1985-1 Reserve Factor Files – Life and Health Actuarial (EX5) Task Force Directed to study reserve factor files …………………… 85-I-552

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1983-4 In addition, a revised Buyer’s Guide has been developed and is proposed for adoption as part of the new model regulation. The revised draft includes annotations indicating the source and background of the changes being proposed to the current model regulation. This proposal would incorporate the following new features into the model regulation: 2.…

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Projects – Videos – 1980s 1985 0619 – Corporate Crime EF Hutton program.93489.MP4-M20 https://www.c-span.org/video/?125483-1/coporate-crime-ef-hutton-case&playEvent 1985 0719  – Impact of Tax Reform on Insurance Industry program.141242.MP4-M20 1985 – GOV – Impact of Tax Reform on Insurance Industry 1985 – GOV – Impact of Tax Reform on Insurance Industry – Index https://www.c-span.org/video/?125556-1/impact-tax-reform-insurance-industry 1988 0325 – GOV -…

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1980s – SOA – ACLI 1981 – SOA – Subcommittee on Cost Comparisons – Universal Life, Society of Actuaries – 16p 

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1980s – ACLI – NAIC Proceedings NAIC Proceedings – ACLI – Universal Life  LIFE , ACCIDENT AND HEALTH (C) COMMITTEE; Life Insurance (C3) Subcommittee, 1980-1, NAIC Proc.  The American Council of Life Insurance also has a special Task Force on Valuation and Nonforfeiture Regulation for New Products, which is studying minimum reserves and nonforfeiture value…

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1980s – ACLI to NAIC To: Member Company Chief Executive Officers From: Blake T. Newton, Jr., President, American Council of Life Insurance – Date: April 22, 1980 The purpose of the meeting was to discuss concerns about the liquidity conditions and the possibilities of future adverse developments. The company people wanted to be sure that…

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1980s – AAA – American Academy of Actuaries – NAIC 1981-12 – AAA – Journal of the American Academy of Actuaries re: Manipulation, Dividends, Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide -12p Date: June 2, 1981 To: NAIC Life Insurance (C3) Subcommittee, From: AAA – American Academy of Actuaries – John Harding Background: This statement was presented at…

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1984-2 (p71) – Turning to the solvency concerns, she <Sandra Jaffee, Citicorp> stated that no industry is completely protected from risk of insolvency. She conceded that banks have lent large amounts to underdeveloped countries and did acknowledge the existence of the Continental Illinois incident. On the other hand, she noted, the Baldwin-United situation and the…

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