1981-4 I am William C. Scheel, Associate Professor of Finance and insurance, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. My remarks today are my own; they are uncompensated and may only coincidentally be views shared by anyone else. Introduction During my last encounter with this task force, I questioned whether the group was just playing another game…

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1988-1 Life Insurance Advertising Issues Subgroup 6. “Nonguaranteed Policy Element” shall mean any premium, cash value, death benefit, endowment value, dividend or other policy benefit or pricing element or portion thereof whose amount is not guaranteed by the terms of the contract. Any policy element that contractually follows a separate account result or a defined…

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1986-1 National Association of Insurance Commissioners External Communication Plan – September 8, 1985 External Communication Project Rational Objective – To increase awareness of state insurance departments as a primary source of consumers information about insurance products. Strategy  – To offer buying tips and to solicit questions on a specific insurance product. (p95)  1986-1, NAIC Proceedings

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1989-1 4a Special Plans – Universal Life – Review Regulators Problems with Model Adopted (Product Development Task Force) (On hold) Universal Life The advent of universal life brought with it many nonforfeiture concerns. Unlike adjustable life, where a current plan is defined, but is subject to change, a universal life policy at any time has…

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1989-2 5. Report of the Financial Services and Insurance Regulation (EX) Task Force Commissioner William Hager (Iowa) presented the report noting that the task force had adopted amendments to the Model Act Relating to Unfair Methods of Competition and Deceptive Acts and Practices in the Business of Insurance to address the issue of insurance agents…

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1987-2 Rules Governing the Advertising of Life Insurance and Life Insurance Products Coupled with Annuities founding meeting of the Society of Market Conduct Examiners Executive Committee NAIC Position Paper on Repeal or Modification of the McCarran- Ferguson Act (Attachment Three) – (p28) Recommendation of the Special Federal Issues Task Force (Attachment Four) – (p32) Synopsis…

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1987-1 Credibility of Illustrations (* By “non-guaranteed pricing elements,” we mean either the dividends in a traditional participating policy or any elements subject to change at company discretion – such as premiums, interest rates, and mortality charges—–in the so called non-traditional policies that have come to the fore recently.) To: NAIC Life Cost Disclosure Task…

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1986-2 1. Report of the Life and Health Actuarial (EX5) Task Force John Montgomery (Calif.) presented the report of the Life and Health Actuarial Task Force. The various new projects and their suggested priorities were summarized in the report. In response to the question of how so many projects could be added to the already…

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1982-2 Advisory Committee on Policy Lapsation LIFE INSURANCE COST DISCLOSURE·HISTORICAL BACKGROUND – Attachment 1 (p485-486) LIFE INSURANCE [SOLICITATION] DISCLOSURE MODEL REGULATION – Attachment Two  – The chairman then indicated that he had received a proposed revision of the NAIC life insurance solicitation model regulation submitted by the ACLI.(p487-499) (524-526) – STATEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE…

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