2004 0909 – GOV (House) – G.I. Finances: Protecting Those Who Protect Us 2004 0909 – GOV (House) – G.I. Finances: Protecting Those Who Protect Us, Richard Baker (R-LA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-176p, VIDEO-?] ACLI – Testimony – Frank Keating – 6p House – Financial Services Committee – Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises (p1)…

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2009 0506 – GOV (Senate) – Regulation and Resolving Institutions Considered “Too Big to Fail”, Dodd 2009 0506 – GOV (Senate) – Regulation and Resolving Institutions Considered “Too Big to Fail”, Christopher Dodd (D-CT)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-121p,  VIDEO-Senate]  banking.senate.gov/hearings/regulating-and-resolving-institutions-considered-too-big-to-fail    WITNESS PANEL 2 Martin N. Baily, Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, The Brookings Institution – 050609_BAILY-LITAN TESTIMONY …

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2003 0515 – GOV (House) – Retirement Security: What Seniors Need to Know About Protecting Their Futures – Baker 2003 0515 – GOV (House) – Retirement Security: What Seniors Need to Know About Protecting Their Futures, Richard H. Baker (R-LA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-137, VIDEO-?] archives-financialservices.house.gov/archive/hearings216.shtml commdocs.house.gov/committees/bank/hba89632.000/hba89632_0f.htm NAIFA – David F. Woods, CEO, National Association of…

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MDL-1950 – IN RE: Municipal Derivatives Antitrust Litigation MDL-1950 – LC – IN RE: Municipal Derivatives Antitrust Litigation  —   [BonkNote] MBIA, AIGFP  1:08-md-1950 03/19/2008 06/16/2008 08/24/2018, Marrero, Victor NYS MDL-1950 – LC – Joint Second Amended Class Action Complaint, AIGFP – 104p 2007 0726 – SEC / COX – Disclosure and Accounting Practices in the Municipal…

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2009 1210 – COP – Hearing – Hearing With Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner 2009 1210 – COP – Hearing – Hearing With Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Congressional Oversight Panel  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-98p, VIDEO-CSPAN, VIDEO-Youtube]   AIG – BankLike-? (p63) – Chair WARREN. Mr. Secretary, I come from a world of Chapter 11. People default all the…

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2000s – Newspapers 2004 0703 – The Hartford Courant – MassMutual Reaches Settlement – [link] MassMutual has agreed to settle long-standing class-action litigation that accused the company and its representatives of misleading sales practices. The settlement would cover owners of certain life and disability insurance policies between 1983 and 2003, and would resolve litigation filed in…

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2009 0514 – GOV (House) – How Should the Federal Government Oversee Insurance? 2009 0514 – GOV (House) – How Should the Federal Government Oversee Insurance?, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-194p, VIDEO-YouTube-(Part 1 of 2) – VIDEO-YouTube-(Part 2 of 2)] Melissa Bean  25:30 – Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) – OTS said they had the power, the resources etc… they…

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Q: AIG – 2008 – Did the Federal Reserve and the Department of the Treasury study insurance regulatory schemes and deemed them inadequate? <What Newspaper is this from?> –  “State laws segregate the assets needed to protect policyholders within the highly regulated subsidiaries at AIG and if they were to fail, state guarantee funds exist…

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2008 – NAIC Proceedings Binder – 9431p (p708) – 9. Receive the Report of the Financial Analysis Working Group Roger Peterson (WI) delivered the report of the Financial Analysis Working Group, which met in a regulator-to-regulator session March 31, 2008, to hear presentations on nationally significant insurers and groups that are exhibiting characteristics of potentially…

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CC – 1993 When and 2005 Military and 2022 Current Issues in Insurance Many insurance companies even have a way to get a consumer’s money without the consumer ever knowing about it. Most policies have a clause that allows the company, without telling the policyholder, to dip into the savings component of their life insurance…

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