2008 Financial Crisis – Papers 2011 – AP – AIG: Misconceptions, Precipitating Factors in Government Bailout, and Implications for the Financial Industry, by Alexis Paulovich – 56p 2012 – AP – External Financing in the Life Insurance Industry: Evidence from the Financial Crisis, by Thomas R. Berry-Stölzle – 41p 2013 – LR – Bank Recapitalizations: A…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Failure to Communicate / Make Connections (p35-36) – Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) – [To Hank Paulson] – I daresay for criticism, I think both yourself and Chairman Bernanke and the new Secretary of Treasury have failed to inform adequately the American people as to what meltdown meant. I remember those vital days…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Documents 2009 0402 – Letter – NCOIL to Senators Dodd, Frank, Shelby, Bachus – 2p State insurance regulation was not a factor in the economic downturn and should not be swept into any proposed financial services overhaul. 2008 1006 – Letter – NAIC to GOV – Praeger to Waxman, Davis -…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Media AIG – Media AIG – Securities Lending – Media 2009 1204 – Bloomberg – Geithner Slams Bonuses, Says Banks Would Have Failed (Update2), (Goldman Sachs), by Robert Schmidt – 2p

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AIG – Coverup It seems to me that you’re covering for something. (p43) —  Damon SILVERS, COP Member / Policy Director for the AFL-CIO 2010 1216 – COP – Hearing – Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Congressional Oversight Panel – [PDF-88p, VIDEO-CSPAN] What could the New York Fed be hiding? For one thing, a clear explanation of why it…

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The Wizard of Lies – [Bernie Madoff] – Diana B. Henriques The Wizard of Lies – [Bernie Madoff], by Diana B. Henriques  —  [BonkNote] 2011 – Book – The Wizard of Lies – [Bernie Madoff], by Diana B. Henriques 2012 0311 – VIDEO – c-span.org/video/?304739-6/the-wizard-lies Diana Henriques talked about her book The Wizard of Lies:…

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AIG – Insurance Regulators 2009 0303 – Missouri Insurance Commission – AIG Frequently Asked Questions – [link] (a) On September 16, 2008, Dinallo reiterated Governor Paterson’s offer to allow AIG to upstream $20 billion from its insurance subsidiaries (Dinallo Dep. 214:13- 21). Geithner responded, “No, we’re good” (id. at 215:16-18). As a result, Dinallo was “led…

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Barclays AIG Securities Lending AIGFP Legal Case – re Barclays Bank PLC Securities Litigation Lehman Brothers MBIA barclaysbankplcsecuritieslitigation.com/ barclaysbankplcsecuritieslitigation.com/case-documents/summary-judgment-briefing.aspx monolines 503p – barclaysbankplcsecuritieslitigation.com/media/934718/sharan_nirmul_exhibits_61-80.pdf barclaysbankplcsecuritieslitigation.com/media/934797/sharan_nirmul_exhibits_211-234.pdf 2013 – LC – In re BARCLAYS BANK PLC SECURITIES LITIGATION, Document 66, Case 1:09-cv-01989-PAC – 101p Summary Judgment Briefing – AUDIO – [link] – LC – Plaintiff’s Response To The…

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