Financial Guarantee Insurance Monolines Bond Insurers FRB – Federal Reserve Board NAIC – Financial Guarantee Study Group Model Financial Guarantee Insurance Act SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission The financial meltdown that began in 2007 revealed problems with financial guarantee insurers and regulation of these insurers.  2011 – JIR / NAIC – Financial Guarantee Insurance…

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Chris Dodd 1975-1981 – US House (D-CT) 1981-2011 – US Senator (D-CT) Dodd-Frank Act 2009 0305 – GOV (Senate) – American International Group: Examining What Went Wrong, Government Intervention, And Implications for Future Regulation, (CSPAN) Government Intervention and Regulation of AIG, Chris Dodd (D-CT)   —   [BonkNote] (p33) – Chairman DODD.  And again, looking at the…

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Turning BBB into AAA 2Q – AIG – Earnings Conference Call – Joseph Cassano 2010 04 – GOV – WALL STREET AND THE FINANCIAL CRISIS: THE ROLE OF INVESTMENT BANKS – Levin govinfo – Volume 4 OF 5 – [pdf-1136p CSPAN – Investment Banks and the Financial Crisis, Directors- R – [link] Fabrice Tourre, Dan…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Investigations COP – Congressional Oversight Panel FCIC – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Senate – Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations SIGTARP – Special Inspector General for TARP

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Systemic Risk – 2008 Financial Crisis Precrisis, there was a longstanding assumption that banks were the only types of financial companies that could pose systemic risk. As you noted, during the crisis that was proved un-true. Investment banks, insurance companies, other nonbanks precipitated the economic collapse.  (p10-11) –Jeremy C. Kress, Assistant Professor of Business Law,…

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Sarah Dahlgren She explained that most of the money drawn from the facility went to securities lending counterparties.  Dixie asked how much money was drawn from the facility between September 16 and November 10 when the Maiden Lane transactions were announced. Ms. Dahlgren said “north of $60 billion, but I’d have to verify that. (p2)…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Causes AIG AIGFP Securities Lending / Repos GICs Risk Management Generally CDS, CDOs Derivatives Fear / Greed GLBA – Gramm–Leach–Bliley – Repeal of Leverage Mark to Market Accounting Monolines MBIA, AMBAC Mortgages Origination Subprime Rating Agencies Moody’s, Fitch, Standard and Poors Real Estate RMBS CMBS Regulation OTS State Insurance Regulators SEC…

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Stable Value Prior to the Executive Life Insurance Company (ELIC) default there was no such thing as a stable value fund… —  Murray L. Becker 1999 – SOA -Insurance Company Failures of the Early 1990s-Have We Learned Anything?, Society of Actuaries – 25p 2011 – SEC-CFTC Stable Value Contract Study – Study of Stable…

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