2010 0610 – COP – Report – June Oversight Report – Documents 2010 0610 – COP – Report – The AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and the Government’s Exit Strategy, June Oversight Report, Congressional Oversight Panel  —  [BonkNote]  —  337p x – 95 E-mail from Alejandro LaTorre to Timothy Geithner and other Federal Reserve…

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American International Group vs Transatlantic Holdings 2010 0629 – LC – American International Group vs Transatlantic Holdings – Affirmation of Anthony J. Albanese in Support of American International Group, Inc.’s Verified Petition and Application for Temporary Restraining Order – 116p Transatlantic Holdings, Inc., et al. v. American International Group, Inc., et al., American Arbitration Association…

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AIG – Legal Cases American International Group, Inc. 2008 Securities Litigation Starr International Company Transatlantic Holdings vs American International Group Securities Lending sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/5272/000104746913001390/R27.htm 2022 – LC – In re: AIG FINANCIAL PRODUCTS CORP Case 22-11309 Doc 2 Filed 12/14/22 Page 1 of 62 DECLARATION OF WILLIAM C. KOSTUROS, CHIEF RESTRUCTURING OFFICER OF THE DEBTOR, IN…

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2010s – 2020s – NAIC – Insurance Commissioners – Focus Groups NAIC Working Groups – Current / Recent 2015/8/16 LIAC CC    He <Birny Birnbaum (Center for Economic Justice—CEJ)> said it is important that state insurance regulators determine if illustrations are accomplishing what they are intended to accomplish, how they are being used and whether…

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Government Hearings – 2019 2019 0314 – GOV (Senate) – Financial Stability Oversight Council Nonbank Designation [PDF-123p, Senate – Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs 2019 0912 – GOV (Senate) – Developments in Global Insurance Regulatory and Supervisory Forums [PDF-109p,  VIDEO-Senate Page banking.senate.gov/hearings/developments-in-global-insurance-regulatory-and-supervisory-forums NAIC – Testimony – Eric Cioppa, (ME) – 7p Senate -…

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Government Hearings – 2018 2018 0307 – GOV (House) – Legislative Review of H.R. 5059: The State Insurance Regulation Preservation Act – 1:48:00 [PDF-86p, VIDEO-youtube] – <mp3, mp4> Chair – Duffy – State Insurance Regulation Preservation Act.  Rothfus,  Ross (FL) v Schwarcz Testimony – Daniel Schwarcz – 16p 27:00 – Ross – Dodd-Frank, State Based Regulation…

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Government Hearings – 2017 2017 0216 – GOV (House) – Assessing the U.S.-E.U. Covered Agreement [PDF-115p, VIDEO-YouTube] House – Committee on Financial Services – Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance 2017 0328 – GOV (House) – The Arbitrary and Inconsistent Non-Bank SIFI Designation Process, Ann Wagner (R-MO) —  [BonkNote] [PDF-83p, VIDEO-YouTube] – <mp3, mp4> 2017 0228…

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Government Hearings – 2013 2013 0214 – GOV (Senate) – Wall Street Reform: Oversight of Financial Stability and Consumer and Investor Protections Financial Regulations Law Implementation, [PDF-165p, Video-YouTube] – <mp3, mp4> Senate – Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs 2014 0314 – GOV (House) – Who Is Too Big To Fail? GAO’s Assessment of The Financial…

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Government Hearings – 2010 2010 0127 – GOV (House) – The Federal Bailout AIG, Edolphus Towns (D-NY)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-652p] Panel 1 – Geithner – [VIDEO-YouTube] – Written Testimony –  15p Panel 2 – Paulson – [VIDEO-YouTube] – Written Testimony – 3p Panel 3, Part 1 – Barosky, SIGTARP – [VIDEO-YouTube] – Written Testimony – 14p Panel…

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