Project – NAIC – Snippets – 2015 2015 0329 – NAIC Proceedings – LIAC, Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee Appointed a New Working Group to Revise the Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide. Ms. Matthews said the Committee has a 2015 charge to review and consider revisions to the Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide (Buyer’s Guide) in…

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Project – NAIC – Snippets – 2014 2014 2014 0114 – NAIC Proceedings  LATF CC – RE: IULISG – Indexed Universal Life Illustrations Subgroup John Bruins (American Council of Life Insurers – ACLI) said there are a wide range of practices in the area of policy illustrations, particularly for indexed universal life (UL) policies. 2014…

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2017 1024 – GOV (House) – The Federal Government’s Role in the Insurance Industry – Duffy 2017 1024 – GOV (House) – The Federal Government’s Role in the Insurance Industry, Sean Duffy (R-WI)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-140p, VIDEO-YouTube]  Schwarcz/Ross/Duffy/Capuano/Katharine Wade (NAIC/CT) FIO Daniel Schwarcz – 27p 1:17 – Capuano – Madoff did things that were Illegal, AIG…

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2011 0712 – GOV (Senate) – Enhanced Investor Protection After The Financial Crisis 2011 0712 – GOV (Senate) – Enhanced Investor Protection After The Financial Crisis, Tim Johnson, (D-SD)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-132, VIDEO-Senate Page] Surveying The Investor Protection Provisions Contained In The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform And Consumer Protection Act One Year After Its…

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Costigan vs. John Hancock 2014 – LC- Costigan vs. John Hancock 5:14-cv-01002-GJL  United States District Court Northern District of Ohio Eastern Division Doc 12 – Amended Complaint – 4p Doc 23 – 40p 23 Main Document 24 pages 1 Exhibit In re Manufacturers Life Ins. Co.-2008 Order 3 pages  2 Exhibit July 2010 Premium Illustration…

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2010s – NAIC – Insurance Commissioners – Government Hearings (p14) – Terri Vaughan – (NAIC- CEO): So what we try to do is educate consumers about the critical importance of this issue. We spend a lot of money on consumer education. We created a Web site, Insure U Web site, for consumers to go to…

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2014 0311 – GOV (Senate) – Finding the Right Capital Regulations for Insurers 2014 0311 – GOV (Senate) – Finding the Right Capital Regulations for Insurers [PDF-105p, VIDEO-Senate] – <Bonk: mp3, mp4> – T Chair Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Daniel Schwarcz, Collins 2014 0310 – Letter – Sheila C. Bair to Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) – 6p I question the argument that insurance organizations…

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