2023 1031 – DOL / EBSA – Fact Sheet: Retirement Security Proposed Rule and Proposed Amendments to Class Prohibited Transaction Exemptions for Investment Advice Fiduciaries 2023 1031 – DOL / EBSA – Fact Sheet: Retirement Security Proposed Rule and Proposed Amendments to Class Prohibited Transaction Exemptions for Investment Advice Fiduciaries, U.S. Department of Labor, Employee…

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2023 – DOL/EBSA – 2023-0014 – RIN-1210-AC02 – Searches “American Academy of Actuaries” – 1 Result 2024 0102 – Letter – Anonymous – EBSA-2023-0014-0451 – 1210-AC02 – [link-p] The NAIC prescribed Economic Scenario Generator developed by the American Academy of Actuaries (“Academy… Harris is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and member of the .American Academy of Actuaries… She…

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 2023 1128 – LIFE180 – The Shocking Truth About Indexed Universal Life Insurance Revealed  2023 1128 – LIFE180 / Chris Kirkpatrick – The Shocking Truth About Indexed Universal Life Insurance Revealed  —  [BonkNote] —  [VIDEO-YouTube-01:02:28] [Bonk: Old Title-? – The Reason I REFUSE To Shut Up About Indexed Universal Life Insurance] 1 – David McKnight, guy to debate…

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2024 2015 – PIABA – Testimony – Joseph C. Peiffer – 30p 2024 0215 – GOV (House) – Protecting American Savers and Retirees from DOL’s Regulatory Overreach, Bob Good (R-VA) [PDF-, VIDEO-YouTube-02:06:21] edworkforce.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=410108 2024 0215 – PIABA – Testimony – Joseph C. Peiffer, President, Public Investors Advocate Bar Association  —  [BonkNote]  —  30p  1 – At the beginning of…

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DOL – Department of Labor – PTE 2020-02 dol.gov/agencies/ebsa/about-ebsa/our-activities/resource-center/faqs/new-fiduciary-advice-exemption 2024 – Letter – NAIFA to GOV-DOL/EBSA – RE: Comments of NAIFA to RIN 1210–AC02: Retirement Security Rule: Definition of an Investment Advice Fiduciary and ZRINs 1210-ZA32, 1210-ZA33, 1210-ZA34  (p13) – VI. The Proposed Rule Excludes Independent Marketing Organizations from PTE 2020-02. Independent marketing organizations (“IMOs”)…

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Government Hearings – 2024 2024 0110 – GOV (House) – Regulatory Whiplash: Examining the Impact of FSOC’s Ever-changing Designation Framework on Innovation,  [PDF-, VIDEO-YouTube-02:16:20] House – Committee on Financial Services – Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology and Inclusion 2024 0215 – GOV (House) – Protecting American Savers and Retirees from DOL’s Regulatory Overreach, Bob…

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2023 – DOL/EBSA – 2023-0014 – RIN-1210-AC02 – Comments 2024 0102 – Letter – AFL-CIO – Final_FRComments_Letterhead01.02.24 – EBSA-2023-0014-0437 – RIN-1210-ac01 – [link-7p] On behalf of the AFL-CIO, I am writing to express strong support for the U.S. Department of Labor’s (“DOL” or “the Department”) proposed rulemaking titled “Retirement Security Rule: Definition of an Investment…

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2024 0102 – ACLI to GOV-DOL / EBSA – 40p 2024 0102 – ACLI to GOV-DOL / EBSA – Subjects: Retirement Security Rule: Definition of an Investment Advice Fiduciary (RIN 1210-AC02); Proposed Amendment to Prohibited Transaction Exemption PTE 84-24 (Application No. D-12060); Proposed Amendment to Prohibited Transaction Exemption PTE 2020-02 (Application No. D-12057) – 40p…

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