2021 0728 – FSRA – Report – Insurer-MGA Relationship Review Report – 25p 2021 0728 – FSRA – Insurer-MGA Relationship Review Report  —  [BonkNote]  —  [link]  —  25p   Contents Executive summary  …………. 2 Introduction  ………… 5 Detailed observations  ……………….. 6 1. Understanding distribution channels  ……….. 7 2. Screening and Onboarding of MGAs  ……….. 8 3. Insurer-MGA agreements &…

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2022 0310 – FTC – Consultation – Deceptive or Unfair Earnings Claims – FTC-2022-0020 2022 0310 – FTC – Consultation – Deceptive or Unfair Earnings Claims – FTC-2022-0020  —  [BonkNote] federalregister.gov – [link] regulations.gov/docket/FTC-2022-0020 – [link] Comments – 1.59k – [link] FFL – 2022.05.10 – Family First Life – FFL Earnings Claim Comment Letter (final with…

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2023 0415 – Always Marco – WFG Is In Trouble 2023 0415 – Always Marco – WFG Is In Trouble  —  [BonkNote]  —  [VIDEO-YouTube] 10-28 – Core 10:30 –  13 – Marco: Can’t do MLM, have to do it the normal way 14 – only focus on recruiting , not financial products and services [Bonk:…

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2023 0224 – LIAC – Life Insurance Committee – (A) – NAIC 2023 0224 – LIAC – Life Insurance Committee (A) – NAIC  —  [BonkNote]  —  19p  —  (p8-) [A: NAIC Proceedings] [B: Bonk: Not in NAIC Proceedings] Rachel Hemphill – Quick Fix, Longer-term 03:22 – Fred Andersen, Chair-IULSG-MN What is “Sold”? –  06:00 -…

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ACLI – 2020s – Snippets 2020 0107 – WSJ – It’s the Hottest Thing in Life Insurance. Are Buyers Aware of the Risks? Regulators worry insurers are underplaying the dangers of a product tied to the performance of the U.S. stock market, by Leslie Scism – [link] One concern is that existing consumer materials “can lead…

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2021 – LC – Mosten Investments v Manufacturers Life – Court of Appeal (48/43) – 2. Case Law Interpreting ULPs    [36] In Sattva, Rothstein J. described surrounding circumstances as: “knowledge that was or reasonably ought to have been within the knowledge of both parties at or before the date of contracting” (at para 58).…

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Project – NAIC – Snippets – 2022 2022 0407 – 2022-1, NAIC Proceedings –  LIAC – Life Insurance (A) Committee 2. Adopted the Report of the Accelerated Underwriting (A) Working Group and the March 4 Draft Accelerated Underwriting in Life Insurance Educational Report Mr. Birnbaum said he participated, along with Brendan Bridgeland (Center for Insurance…

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Project – NAIC – Snippets – 2021 2021 0811 – LIAC – NAIC – Summer National Meeting, Proceedings – 43p (p8) – 2021 0811 –  LIIIWG Next Steps Summary Comment Chart 2021 1216 – LIAC – NAIC – Executive (EX) Committee and Plenary – Attachment Four – 4. The Life Insurance Online Guide (A) Working…

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