Reserves Principles-Based Reserves – PBR Premiums and Benefits – Reserves Benefit Reserves CRVM modified reserve systems Natural Reserves PBR Policy Reserves Terminal Reserves 2013 0917- ThinkAdvisor – ACLI calls Lawsky’s letter on reserves ‘irresponsible’, By Elizabeth D. Festa – [link] In a letter to state insurance commissioners, the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI)…

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Unbundled The “unbundling’ of services and other product differences between Universal Life and Ordinary Life cause current literature to be inapplicable, as well as insufficient, for Universal Life.  1984 – AAA – American Academy of Actuaries – Journal  I would like to ask how many people here have received requests for such unbundling from the public.…

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Performance Benefits Coverage Period Historical Performance Policy Performance, Variability, UL Description Results Outcomes Cost – 2000 – AP – The Nature and Causes of Variation in Insurance Policy Yields: Whole Life and Universal Life, Journal of Insurance Issues, 2000, 23, 1, pp. 30–47, by James M. Carson and Mark D. Forster – 18p The actual versus…

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Credibility MR. BARKS:  Is credibility a better word? George COLEMAN: Yes, credibility in the sense that those numbers were developed using actuarially appropriate standards. —  George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) 1994 – SOA – Problems and Solutions for Product Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 28p 2009 – SOA…

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Investment Generation Method New Money / Portfolio Money New Money (Investment Generation Method) vs Portfolio Method [Bonk: Investment Generation Files(37) NAIC] However, it is far less clear as to how to make a fair, nonmisleading statement, about an investment year method illustration in comparison with a portfolio average illustration. This will be one of the…

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GMP – Guaranteed Maturity Premium The Model Regulation assumes that future premiums will be paid at the whole life level, and calls this premium the GMP [the guaranteed maturity premium]. [Bonk: Universal Life Model Regulation – NAIC] —  Shane Chalke 1984 – SOA – NAIC Update, Society of Actuaries – 24p  A regulator had told them that…

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ASB – Actuarial Standards Board ASB – Actuarial Standards Board – Snippets ASOPS – Actuarial Standards of Practice ASOP – Actuarial Standard of Practice No. 2 – Nonguaranteed Charges or Benefits for Life Insurance Policies and Annuity Contracts – 16p 1993 – SOA – ASB Standard on Selection of Economic Assumptions, Society of Actuaries…

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Actuarial Actuarial – Index SOA – Society of Actuaries – Index The Life Actuary – Publication Start – 2003 08 – 12p Actuaries can do lots of things. We can provide the field with a clear description of the policy and how it works. —  Bruce E. Booker,  (a member of the American Council of…

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PBR – Principles-Based Reserves 2007 – SOA -Treading into the Thicket: Federal Income Tax Implications of Principles Based Reserves, by Christian DesRochers and Douglas N. Hertz, Society of Actuaries – 86p 2016-1 – NAIC – Implementing Principle-Based Reserves for Life Insurers: A Discussion Paper – 27p March 28, 2016, New York Life, NAIC Proceedings –…

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SOA – Society of Actuaries Actuarial – Index SOA – Index The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances and demonstrations for impressions.  long-standing motto of the Society of Actuaries The quote is from Mr. John Ruskin’s book, The Stone of Venice, Volume 3, page 36. 2012 – SOA – Substitute One Mis-impression,…

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