Actuarial Tables Commutation CSO CET Mortality Actuarial Tables: Commissioners 1941 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table (1941 CSO) V. 1-, Volume 3 Actuarial Society of America Society and the Institute, 1945 Commutation Columns and Valuation Factors Based on 1980 CSO Mortality Table: Age last birthday – Actuarial Publishing House, 1981 TERM AND WHOLE- LIFE INSURANCE COST AS DEVELOPED…

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The Actuarial Foundation (TAF) The Actuarial Foundation – Emeritus Trustees – 2023  —  [BonkNote] Another significant development has been the emergence of the Actuarial Education and Research Foundation. It is hoped that this will be a vehicle through which the actuarial profession can perform badly needed research work for governments and other bodies,…

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1990s – Actuarial – Snippets I think we need to focus more on building a knowledge base. It seems to me our knowledge base is what we live or die on. —   Anna Rappaport, (2023 – The Actuarial Foundation, Emeritus Trustee) 1990 06 – SOA – The Actuary Magazine, Society of Actuaries – 5p William…

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Futurism 1977 – SOA – Futurism, Society of Actuaries – 18p 1983 – SOA – Futurism – An Art and a Science, Society of Actuaries – 22p

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GENERALLY RECOGNIZED EXPENSE TABLE (GRET) 1998 – GENERALLY RECOGNIZED EXPENSE TABLE FOR 1998  ILLUSTRATIONS.  SOCIETY OF ACTUARIES COMMITTEE ON LIFE INSURANCE RESEARCH. REPORT TO THE NAIC LIFE DISCLOSURE WORKING GROUP, Society of Actuaries – 8p 1996-2 Generally Recognized Expense Table 716 Adopted 695 2000-3 Society of Actuaries Committee on Life Insurance Research Report to the…

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New Money / Portfolio Money Investment Generation Method At a SOA Annual Meeting maybe 15 years ago or more, a speaker challenged anyone in the audience to tell him that a portfolio illustration was exactly comparable to a new money illustration. He wanted to make it clear, then and there, that anyone who was willing…

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Range Approach 2017 10/15 or 19 – LIBWG – Letter from the Non-Guaranteed Elements Work Group of the American Academy of Actuaries We believe consumers would benefit from the inclusion of a discussion of NGEs in the buyer’s guide, and think the following points would be helpful: Products with NGEs have the risk that costs…

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Modeling 1994 – Asset Modling Concepts – Society of Actuaries – 38p Universal Life Modeling Example Funding Levels  Universal life plans offer the policyholder great flexibility in their use of the plan — from a term plan to an investment vehicle. The funding level affects: 1. Universal life commissioners reserve valuation method reserves — In…

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Historical Performance NAIC – IULISG – IUL Illustration Subgroup Some have suggested that historical experience should replace current scale as the basis for describing how the not guaranteed elements of the policy can operate. Substitution of historical performance for current scale would not solve many of the problems related to sales illustrations. Since it is…

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Sensitivity Analysis Mr. Nepple said that in his opinion a sensitivity analysis added confusion, but he did not see that it was essential for consumers to understand standardized assumptions. Mr. Nepple asked the group to consider further the issue of a sensitivity analysis. 1994-4, NAIC Proceedings

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