Guarantee Security Life Insurance Company – (GSLIC) 1992 0429 and 0430 – GOV (Senate) – Efforts To Combat Fraud And Abuse In The Insurance Industry – Part V – [PDF-1419p-GooglePlay] Midland National Life Insurance Company <WishList> – 1993 – GOV (Senate) – Third interim report on United States government efforts to combat fraud and abuse…

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Shearson EF Hutton Lehman Brothers American Express  

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Thrifts Unitary Thrifts 1999 – SOA – Industry Convergence—Bank Participation, Society of Actuaries – 18p Recent applications by insurers for thrift charters and acquisitions of thrifts. AIG OTC GOV Hearing – Woman – Life insurance companies have always owned thrifts The original national banking laws essentially forbade national banks from making residential mortgage loans. Savings…

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MHC – Mutual Holding Company 1998 05 – – 9p Who Owns a Mutual Insurance Company?  “The mutual holding company concept is fundamentally flawed. If the implications of the type of reorganization were disclosed, most mutual policyowners would vote against the reorganization. On the other hand, if safeguards not contemplated in the proposed bill were instituted,…

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Summit Fidelity and Surety Company – 56p “Allen Blank” “reserve” “insurance” “summit” “hoffa” Dorfman, Bray, Milwaukee Phil Alderisio – He was underboss to Sam Giancana during the 1960s, and boss from 1967 to his imprisonment in 1969.  By the end of the decade, Alderisio was working under Jake “Greasy Thumb” Guzik, the Outfit’s financial expert, as a bagman…

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American National Insurance Company 1972 0206 – NYT – Intrigue, Texas Size – [American National Insurance Company], By Martin Waldron – [link] History – Morris Shenker, Mob, Jake Gottlieb, Moody’s Family (Not Rating Agency), Las Vegas, Dunes, Jimmy Hoffa, Missouri Insurance Commission, Texas

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ReliaStar 2018 – LC – Advance Trust & Life Escrow Services, LTA, as securities intermediary for Life Partners Position Holder Trust, and Alice Curtis, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. ReliaStar Life Insurance Company 2018 – LC – Advance Trust & Life Escrow Services, LTA, as securities intermediary for Life…

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BCCI – Bank of Credit and Commerce International BCCI founder Aga Hassan Abedi Robert Altman  Clark Clifford The Clintons Lippo Riady Stephens Union Life Insurance Company 1981 0707 – NYT – Hunt Oil Unit To Buy Union Life – [link]   Rose Law Arthur J. Morris, Credit Life George H. Olmsted 1992 – Senate – Report -…

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