Company Computer Systems 1992 0929 – Montreal Life Insurance company destroyed by computer errors?, by Peter Deutsch – The Risks Digest Volume 13: Issue 21 – p238-239 – 952p

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Profit 1983 – SOA – Profit Standards and Analysis of Earnings for Insurance Companies, Society of Actuaries – 24p

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Company Conversions 1998 – SOA – Mutual Insurance Holding Company Conversions: Lessons Learned, Society of Actuaries – 20p

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Insolvent Failures Insolvencies Surplus Notes Solidity (Solvency) 1977 0525 – The Washington Post – How an Insolvent Firm Keeps Selling Insurance, By John F. Berry – [link] 1992 – LR – The Effects of the Insurance Industry Insolvency on Pensioners’ Incomes: A Plan for Federal Insurance, by Lee Anne LeBlanc – 33p 1998 – LR – The…

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Inter-Affiliate Transactions 2003 – Case Study of the dangers of Inter-Affiliate Transactions: Monarch Life Insurance Company, by Shauna Ferris –  Ferris, S., 2003, Understanding Actuarial Management. Bellis, C., Shepherd, J. & Lyon, R. (eds.). p. 1-3 3 p.

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Genetic Testing FROM THE FLOOR: I, for one, am willing to question that broad consensus. Mr. Jermyn, you mentioned the prospect of genetic testing, which theoretically could classify a great number of people or at least certainly a fair number of people who are currently substandard as uninsurable. How do you reconcile that with the…

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Life Insurance Company Yield 1937 – AP – Analysis of the Yield of the Investments of a Selected Group of Legal Reserve Life Insurance Companies: 1929-1936 – Thesis, Atlanta University – 55p (p14) – The extremely low yield on the real estate shows that most of it could not be disposed of at book value. The…

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Modco – Modified Coinsurance What happened under TEFRA? Several things:  We lost MODCO 820 forever. We had a deceptively modest reduction in 818(c)2. A lot of the teeth were taken out of reinsurance as a tax planning tool. Universal Life was given legitimacy through 101(f). In terms of Anderson’s Taxation Horseman, it is now clearly…

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Stock Companies Many stock life insurance companies seem to feel that it is imperative for them to offer new and attractive products in order to survive in the present environment. 1981-1, NAIC Proceedings

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