Company Investments (p20) – Life insurers are the single largest source of corporate bond financial, and hold approximately 18 percent of total U.S. corporate bonds. —  Statement of Patrick S. Baird, Chief Executive Officer, Aegon USA, LLC, On Behalf of the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) 2009 0616 – GOV (House) – Systemic Risk and…

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Life Insurance Company Taxation Government Hearings Pete Stark 1989 – “Final Report to The Congress on Life Insurance Company Taxation” 3. Correspondence from the American Council Of Life Insurance <ACLI> concerning proposals for the taxation of life insurance companies. (Attachment One-B) —  Report of the Life & Health Actuarial Task Force to the Technical…

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Captive Reinsurance Shadow Insurance 2016 0317 – OFR – Mind the Gaps: What Do New Disclosures Tell Us About Life Insurers’ Use of Off-Balance-Sheet Captives?, by Jill Cetina, Arthur Fliegelman, Jonathan Glicoes, and Ruth Leung – 10p (p41) – Use of captives has grown rapidly since 2000, when the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) passed…

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Investments Investments – Index  Bonds Corporate Bonds Junk Bonds / High-Yield Bonds Municipal Bonds Private Placement Bonds Commercial Paper Company Investments Real Estate Securities Lending Derivatives Options Futures Swaps The subject of futures and options is very topical. Legislation and regulations enabling life insurers to begin using these instruments have been passed in several states…

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Reinsurance Assumption Reinsurance Captive Reinsurance Financial Reinsurance Reinsurance Collateral Reinsurance – Taxes 1988 – SOA – Reinsurance Tax Issues, Society of Actuaries – 10p Surplus Relief Reinsurance Skinner  – GOV – Blunt Instrument NAIC – Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicle Model Act – 789-1 – 34p Section 1. Purpose – This Act provides for the creation of Special…

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Industry Reputation Disintermediation Reputational Risk NAIC Current / Recent Working Groups 11/14-15/2014 IULISG – IUL Illustration Subgroup CC, NAIC Proceedings   Mr. Ehren (Securian) said it is in the industry’s best interests to provide additional disclosures for IUL illustrations. 11/14-15/2014 LATF 6-63   Greg Gurlick (Northwestern Mutual Life) said that if consumers are not satisfied…

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Underwriting 1952 – The Professional Concept of Life Underwriting, By Solomon S. Huebner – <WishList> 21May52, The American College 1959 – SOA – Discussion of Subjects of Special Interest: Underwriting, Society of Actuaries – 8p  2020 – SOA – Validating Algorithmic Underwriting Models – Expert Panel Report, Society of Actuaries – 13p 2021 – SOA -…

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Commissions “compensation patterns and product design” “Special Compensation” – “incidental advice” Renumeration levelized commission program We designed commission rules that anticipated a relatively large number of rollovers of existing policies;. ..full commissions are paid provided the new Universal Life face amount is at least two times the face amount of the replaced policy. —   Phillip B. Norton, not…

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