Price Cost – Index Price-Fixing Pricing Pricing Assumptions Until the buyer understands how the product works, attempts to compare price are essentially meaningless. 1972 – SOA – Life Insurance and the Buyer by Anna Rappaport, Society of Actuaries – 2p-Article I believe that there is an urgent need for the life insurance industry to answer the accusations of its critics who…

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Life Insurance Cost Comparison Task Force – NAIC 1975-2 NAIC Proc.  Life Insurance Cost Comparison (C3) Task Force: Research Project Reports Available, May, 1975 PROJECT REPORTS Research Project One (Production of a life insurance cost data base in cooperation with the Antitrust Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee.) Portions published by the Antitrust Subcommittee…

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Cost Comparison Until the buyer understands how the product works, attempts to compare price are essentially meaningless. 1972 – SOA – Life Insurance and the Buyer by Anna Rappaport, Society of Actuaries – 2p-Article (p117-120) – Exhibit Il  which shows that, in the last fifty years, no less than 21 different attempts have been made…

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Life Cost Disclosure Task Force – (A) – NAIC LIFE INSURANCE (A) COMMITTEE – (A) Task Force – Life Cost Disclosure (RECEIVED) 1. Received a summary of several possible amendments to the Life Insurance Solicitation Regulation and Buyer’s Guide. 2. Heard recommendations and reports from departments, consumer groups and industry concerning the regulation of universal…

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Cost Cost – Index Until the buyer understands how the product works, attempts to compare price are essentially meaningless. 1972 – SOA – Life Insurance and the Buyer by Anna Rappaport, Society of Actuaries – 2p-Article 1976 – SOA – Cost Comparisons and Policy Language, Society of Actuaries – 16p The cost of life insurance…

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Cost Disclosure The purpose of disclosure is to let the life insurance buyer know what he’s getting. — Russell R. Jensen 1977 – SOA – Cost Disclosure in Individual Life Insurance – Society of Actuaries – 18p Until the buyer understands how the product works, attempts to compare price are essentially meaningless. 1972 – SOA – Life…

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