Premium Due Date …this was done because (1) the concept of a “premium due date” was thought to be inapposite to flexible premium policies. 1983-1, NAIC proceedings def. inapposite: out of place; inappropriate Legal Cases 2018, Elhouty v Lincoln Benefit, United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, Google Scholar 2010, Maloof v John Hancock, SUPREME…

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Language Semantics Words and Concepts Insurance policies may be balm for the afflicted but they are murder on the English language. 1976 0811 – NYT – New Policy Arises In Insurance Field Readable Language, By Israel Shenker – [link] We cannot play word games with policyholder money. (p74) —  Karl L. Rubenstein, Special Deputy Insurance Commissioner, State…

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Roles Roles:  Academic, Actuaries, Consumers, Consumer Advocates, Lawyers, Regulators, BonkNote Insurance Regulators Insurance regulation can generally be described in two simple statements. Insurance regulators want insurers to have sufficient assets to make good on the promises they are selling and they want insurers to treat their policyholders and claimants right. The first part of the…

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What Policies lead to Confusion / Market conduct issues / Lawsuits? More complex products sold to individual consumers (e.g., universal life policies) tend to generate more market conduct problems than simple products (e.g., term life insurance). 2003 0701 – NCOIL – The Path to Reform – The Evolution of Market Conduct Surveillance Regulation – [PDF-117p]…

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Lack of Discussion He <Mr. Coleman – Technical Resource Group {Industry}>  said he was very frustrated because there had never been a two-way discussion on the technical resource advisors’ proposal. `Few questions were asked of his group, he said, and there had been no opportunity to discuss the proposal. He asked the working group to…

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Solutions Solutions – Index Problems Problems – Index Illustrations Annual Reports Ratebook Graphs If there is a better way, let it be sought and may it be found — and let it be to the credit of our industry that we are the ones to find it and to provide it for the consumer. — …

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Ralph Nader Didn’t Say It Note that the data is not from Ralph Nader, but from LIMRA and the NALU [NAIFA]. —  Randall P. Mire 1983 – SOA – The Future of Whole Life Insurance–A Debate, Society of Actuaries – 24p Basing an industry of this size on public gullibility is a completely unsound premise.…

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Commissions “compensation patterns and product design” “Special Compensation” – “incidental advice” Renumeration levelized commission program We designed commission rules that anticipated a relatively large number of rollovers of existing policies;. ..full commissions are paid provided the new Universal Life face amount is at least two times the face amount of the replaced policy. —   Phillip B. Norton, not…

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Glossary William Koenig (Northwestern Mutual) suggested that the parties all needed a common understanding of the terms used in their discussion. 1993-4, NAIC Proceedings The ‘unbundling’ of services and other product differences between Universal Life and Ordinary Life cause current literature to be inapplicable, as well as insufficient, for Universal Life . 1984 – Academy…

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Performance Benefits Coverage Period Historical Performance Policy Performance, Variability, UL Description Results Outcomes Cost – 2000 – AP – The Nature and Causes of Variation in Insurance Policy Yields: Whole Life and Universal Life, Journal of Insurance Issues, 2000, 23, 1, pp. 30–47, by James M. Carson and Mark D. Forster – 18p The actual versus…

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