Policy Comparison JAMES F. REISKYTL: Bob, if I were coming to you to buy a policy, how would you tell me to compare whatever you’re selling? You said you offered policies for three or four companies. How do you compare those policies and tell me which one I should buy? Bob NELSON <NALU/NAIFA Representative>: “Inadequately”…

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Complaints (p33) – Bob CORKER (R-TN) – You know, there are very few complaints. I mean, life insurance is not what drives complaints at your State Insurance Commissioner’s officer, really, is it? It is just a small percentage, is it not? 2009 0317 – GOV (Senate) – Perspectives on Modernizing Insurance Regulation, Chris Dodd (D-CT)  —  [BonkNote]…

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Change Without Damage Market Moving Information The working group’s concern was how to bring about a change without damage to the market place. 1993-4, NAIC Proceedings – Life Disclosure Working Group – NAIC So if somebody could think of a way to get to the consumer without causing real problems among recent buyers, who are our…

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Timing of Disclosures / Information to Consumers Since supplying this information can interfere with the sales process, it would appear much better to give the customer a ten day free look and supply the required information at time of delivery. —  Paul J. Overberg 1976 – SOA – Cost Comparisons and Policy Language, Society of Actuaries -…

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Readability / Plain Language / Flesch By readability, I do not mean the use of two syllable words, three word sentences and a high score on the Flesch test. What I mean is the ability to communicate what you are, in fact, offering in your contracts and the words the agent uses to explain the…

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