NAIC – Illustration Model Regulation – Comments Walker v LSW – Judge – Video NAIC Proc – 1990s – end of Working Group  – Good Job One of the first things that a serious reader of the NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation will realize is that it is not a tightly written document. — …

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Fair Consumer Outcomes GFIA – Global Federation of Insurance Associations: In addition, GFIA is concerned that the meaning of “fair treatment of consumers” may be considered different from, or in addition to, legally prescribed standards. Companies may exceed those standards voluntarily, but supervisors should define “fair treatment” solely in terms of the legally established standards…

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Premiums, Costs, Values and Benefits Premiums and Benefits – Index P1P2 – Policy Mechanics / Cash Flow / Language In the case of true Universal Life…the product is modular and adjusts instantaneously to changes in benefits, premiums, and experience. —   George R. Dinney: 1982 – SOA – Programs to Conserve Traditional Life Insurance Policies, Society of…

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Q: Could AIG Have Separated AIGFP from the Insurance Companies? 2009 1231 – Examination Report of AIG – AGC Life Insurance Company – Missouri – 25p Hank Greenberg (Former AIG CEO) 2009 0402 – GOV (House – Oversight and Reform) – The Collapse and Federal Rescue of AIG and What It Means for the U.S. -…

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Q: Who at AIG Was Responsible for Securities Lending? AIGFP and AIG Securities Lending – Connected? Outside of the holding co., the insurance subs have about $68B in securities lending liabilities to the 12 largest firms. Program is managed by the holding company (AIG Financial Products). 2008 0912 – FCIC – 2008-09-12 Alejandro LaTorre Email…

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What is the NAIC? It is unprecedented that the Federal Government would give such power to a private trade association—I repeat, a private trade association—or to what NAIC immediate past resident Walter Bell of Alabama in an April 9, 2007, letter called: ‘‘a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with voluntary membership and not a State government entity.’’…

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Troubled Companies During the early 1990s, however, the solvency problems of the life insurance industry increased, climaxing in the failure in 1991 of several large insurers– Executive Life Insurance Company, First Capital Life Insurance Company (EF Hutton) Fidelity Bankers Life Insurance Company, Monarch Life Insurance Company, and Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. Assessments for Executive…

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Permanent Plan of Insurance Permanent Plan Permanent Life Insurance Why is Universal Life Insurance sometimes called Whole or Permanent? Universal Life as Permanent / Whole / Other Term Perm The … company is to determine for itself which of its plans are to be treated as term insurance and which as permanent. The original instructions…

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Information Barriers 2010 0910 – WSJ – ‘Systemic Risk’ Stonewall: Some Bailout Questions the Fed Still Hasn’t Answered  —  [BonkNote]  —  [link] [Bonk: Who authored this article?] Data Access Dr. Yager said he attended some of the NAIC computer sessions in Detroit and he found the NAIC databases to be fascinating but that he could not…

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