Run on the Life Insurance Company Run (p47) – Dennis ROSS (R-FL). There hasn’t been a run on life insurance, has there? Are people all of a sudden going to go and cash in their life insurance policies? Because if they are, then our serious consequences for economic structure are way out of line. 2015…

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Games, Gimmicks and Tricks Why is this flimflammery allowed to continue? Where are the laws to prevent companies from misleading people?  (p3) —  Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) 1993 0525 – GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life Insurance?, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote] It is my recollection and understanding that AG 49 was created in…

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BTID – Buy Term and Invest the Difference A. L. Williams, Term-ites, Universal Life Insurance In the last two years a new product has surfaced – combining the buy term and invest the rest into one product which is tax sheltered from the buyer’s point of view. This product is the so-called Universal Life. — …

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Shopping for Life Insurance Judy Faucett*  responded that people spend more time buying a microwave than they do an insurance policy. *Actuarial Consultant to the NAIC 1994-1, NAIC Proceedings 2018 1009 – NAIC – LIIIWG, Life Insurance Illustrations Working Group – [Bonk: Not in NAIC Proceedings] Goal of Policy Overview Birny Birnbaum (CEJ) – Shopping…

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Q: What’s the Problem That We Are Trying To Solve? *Robert E. Wilcox:  What’s the real problem then, Shane? Shane Chalke:  I’ll say before I answer that I don’t have a good answer.  1995 – SOA – Current Developments Surrounding Regulations and Standards of Life and Annuity Products, Society of Actuaries – 18p ⇒ *Robert…

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Informed Consumer (p33) – Informed consumers are the cornerstone of effective consumer protection. This is particularly true in relation to life insurance with its proliferation of complex products over the past decade. —  NAIC – Statement of David Lyons, Iowa Insurance Commissioner (IA), On Behalf of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners  1993 0525 -…

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Look – Blumenthal Deposition 2009 – LC – Blumenthal v New York Life  —  [BonkNote] In my experience very smart people don’t really know what all the components mean. I feel like it does lead to confusion. So, I think … if you can refer to the eventual illustration and just show the cash value.  —  Teresa…

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Informed Consumer   2016/4/3 – Life Insurance Illustrations Working Group Conference Call  – NAIC Proceedings ……consumers being better able to understand the product performance…… ……need to take a broader look at how all products are explained to consumers……..   2016 vs. 1982   1982 Proc. II 359-360 – Universal Life Model Regulation – Citations The Universal…

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Issues and Debates ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A As long as you pay the premium Back to top B Bait and Switch BTID – Buy Term Invest the Difference Back to top C Change Without Damage Commissions Companies Changing Systems Complaints Confusing to People Confusion Copy of Q: How Can Universal Life Insurance Be Classified? Permanent / Whole…

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