AIG – Can’t Say 2021 – YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Eric Dinallo – 19p (p17-18) – Eric Dinallo: Geithner asked about, because they’re seriously considering, giving serious thought about a debtor in possession—DIP—thing for AIG. He’s like, “What do you think?” I’m like, “It’s a horrible idea.” He said, “Why? I said,…

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AIG – Securities Lending – Dinallo 2008 1007 – GOV (House) – The Causes and Effects of the AIG Bailout- AIG Bailout Oversight Hearing – [PDF-171p,  VIDEO-CSPAN] 2009 0305 – GOV (Senate) – American International Group: Examining What Went Wrong, Government Intervention, And Implications for Future Regulation – (CSPAN) Government Intervention and Regulation of AIG – [PDF-72p, …

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AIG – Reasons for Bailout (p2) – Edolphus Towns (D-NY): As we sit here a year and a half later, after AIG handed out billions in taxpayer dollars, because of this secrecy, we still don’t know why or how the decision to rescue AIG was made… 2010 0127 – GOV (House) – The Federal Bailout…

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Dinallo – List 2008 0214 – GOV (House) – The State of the Bond Insurance Industry – [BonkNote]   [PDF-473p]  VIDEO – Part 1 – VIDEO – Part 2 – Testimony Paul Kanjorski – (D-PA) Eric Dinallo – NYSID Spitzer – New York Governor Bill Ackman 2008 0416 – GOV – Examining Proposals on Insurance…

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AIG – Bailout (p54-55) – Michael R. TURNER. (R-OH):  Let me tell you one of the answers that troubled me about the issue in your written testimony of the team concluded AIG’s failure would be catastrophic. You go on to talk about the insurance arms of AIG. Now, this is not the first hearing that…

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AIG – Securities Lending Date-? – NAIC – Capital Markets Bureau Special Report – Securities Lending in the Insurance Industry – 9p 2003 – LC – AIG Global Securities Lending Corp. v. Banc of America Securities LLC, 254 F. Supp. 2d 373 (CaseText) –  (S.D.N.Y. 2003).  2005 0926 – LC – AIG Global Securities Lending Corp. v. Banc…

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Dots – The Life Insurance Business Changed 2008 1007 – GOV (House) – The Causes and Effects of the AIG Bailout- AIG Bailout Oversight Hearing, Panel 1 – [PDF-171p, VIDEO-CSPAN] (p54) – 1:34 – 1:41 – Bruce Braley (D-IA): Mr. Dinallo, I want to start with you. Twenty-five years ago, I was a research assistant to Professor…

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Causation Factual Causation Legal Causation Scientific Causation Eric Dinallo – GOV Hearing – AIGFP v AIGS CHRG-111shrg51303–53</docno> (p17) – Eric Dinallo – No, I don’t actually disagree with that. I agree with it. The only difference is causation. As I said, the 25 other domestic life insurance companies that we have examined have not had…

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