Dots – AIG – Securities Lending Securities Lending – Index 2010 0701 – FCIC Hearing – 2008 Financial Crisis and Derivatives, Day 2, Regulators Panel – [PDF-313p – CSPAN-Video 37:00 / (p205/206) – Dinallo, Born (FCIC) – COMMISSIONER BORN: Thank you. Mr. Dinallo, some people have suggested that the real problem at AIG related to its securities…

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Dots – AIG AIG AIG Holding Company AIG Life Insurance Companies AIG Liddy NAIC NAIC to GOV – Letter 2008/10/06 – Eric Dinallo AIG Securities Lending AIG     Congress NAIC AIGFP

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Dots Dots – Index (p21) – It is that connecting the dots’ system that we are calling for, not a new regulator. Steve Bartlett, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Financial Services Roundtable 2009 0305 – GOV (House) – Perspectives on Systemic Risk, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  —  [BonkNote] In view of the fact that the…

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AIG – Solvency “Conditionally Solvent” Q: Would It Have Been Illegal To Say That AIG Was Insolvent? SAP – Statutory Accounting Principles Tom Baxter 2010-07-29 FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Scott Alvarez, Bill English, Kieran Fallon and Bill Nelson, Federal Res~1.mp3 Scott Alvarez, FRB – re: AIG – They were solvent, they just couldn’t…

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FT – Financial Times 2012 0618 / 19 – FT (Financial Times) – Insurance products too complex, says Aegon, by Alistair Gray – CEO Wynaendts of Aegon N.V.–the parent company of Transamerica and World Financial Group Henny Sender – Former Chief Financial Correspondent – [link] Gillian Tett 2010-10-28 FCIC staff audiotape of interview with…

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Q: What May Have Happened if AIG had Gone Bankrupt? Davis Polk’s lawyer, Mr. Huebner, testified that it would have been a “very hard landing” for AIG, like cascading champagne glasses where secured creditors are at the top with their glasses filled first, then spilling over to the glasses of other creditors, and finally to…

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AIG – Regulatory Forbearance NySID – Dinallo – Governor – 20/30B legal case – Dinallo – Securities Lending Needs Forbearance could address increases in European bank capital requirements; makes lending unnecessary. (p11) 2008 0916 – FRB – Email from Julie Dolan Regarding AIG Documents Requested – 17p 2008 0913 – FCIC – FRBNY Email Mahoney…

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AIG – Life Insurance Subsidiaries AIG – Life Insurance Subsidiaries – Strong AIG – Life Insurance Subsidiaries – Weak AIG Life Holdings The company’s immediate parent’s name was changed in 2007 from American General Corporation to AIG Life Holdings (US), Inc. 2009 1231 – Examination Report of AIG – AGC Life Insurance Company – Missouri – 25p…

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Chris Dodd 1975-1981 – US House (D-CT) 1981-2011 – US Senator (D-CT) Dodd-Frank Act 2009 0305 – GOV (Senate) – American International Group: Examining What Went Wrong, Government Intervention, And Implications for Future Regulation, (CSPAN) Government Intervention and Regulation of AIG, Chris Dodd (D-CT)   —   [BonkNote] (p33) – Chairman DODD.  And again, looking at the…

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AIG – Media 2023 0728 – TheStreet – What Happened to AIG? Did It Get a Bailout? – The world’s largest insurance company received an astounding $180 billion from the U.S. government during the financial crisis of 2007–2008, by Laura Rodini – [link] 2008  2008 0513 – NYT – Maurice Greenberg tells Board that AIG…

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