2008 Financial Crisis – Documents 2009 0402 – Letter – NCOIL to Senators Dodd, Frank, Shelby, Bachus – 2p State insurance regulation was not a factor in the economic downturn and should not be swept into any proposed financial services overhaul. 2008 1006 – Letter – NAIC to GOV – Praeger to Waxman, Davis -…

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MetLife – Documents 1998 1231 – New Jersey Regulators, re: MetLife – Report of The Metropolitan Life Insurance Companies Located In New York, New York As Of December 31, 1998, By Examiners of The State of New Jersey Department of Banking And Insurance Division of Enforcement And Consumer Protection Market Conduct Examination Unit – 44p

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DOTT – Treasury – Documents home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/tax-policy/office-of-tax-policy-reports 1970s 1976 – DOTT – Report – Study of Pension Plan Terminations, 1974, Department of the Treasury – 71p 1977 – DOTT – Report – Blueprints for Basic Tax Reform, Department of the Treasury – 243p 1980s 1983 0510, 0511 and 0728 – GOV (House) – Tax Treatment of Life…

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2022 0610 – IPAC Report – Potential Impact of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ Insurance Capital Standard on the Life Insurance Industry, Policyholders and Markets in the United States – 68p 2022 06 – IPAC Report / FRB – IPAC to FRB – Potential Impact of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ Insurance Capital Standard on…

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2022 0221 – House of Commons – Treasury Committee – Future of Financial Services 2022 0221 – House of Commons – Treasury Committee – Future of Financial Services committees.parliament.uk/event/7079/formal-meeting-oral-evidence-session/ VIDEO-parliamentlive.tv Transcript – 34p Q537 Chair: What is the risk? Vicky Saporta: The risk is that this goes too far. Chair: In what way? Vicky Saporta: In…

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2022 – House of Commons – Treasury Committee – Future of Financial Services Regulation, First Report of Session 2022–23 – 68p 2022 – House of Commons – Treasury Committee – Future of financial services regulation, First Report of Session 2022–23 – 68p Vicky Saporta (p21) – 54. Vicky Saporta, Executive Director, Prudential Policy Directorate, Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA),…

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AAA – American Academy of Actuaries – Documents AAA – GOV AAA – IAIS AAA – NAIC 1980s – AAA – NAIC AAA – NAIC – LIBG AAA – NAIC – IUL Journal of the American Academy of Actuaries The American Academy of Actuaries Newsletter AAA Groups American Academy of Actuaries Principle-Based Review and Governance…

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FRB – Federal Reserve Board – Documents FRB – Federal Reserve Board fedinprint.org/ federalreserve.gov/regreform/reform-systemic.htm Commercial Bank Examination Manual – [link] The Commercial Bank Examination Manual presents examination objectives and procedures that Federal Reserve System examiners follow in evaluating the safety and soundness of state member banks. Intended as guidance for planning and conducting bank examinations. bostonfed.org/news-and-events/events/economic-research-conference-series/the-financial-condition-and-regulation-of-insurance-companies.aspx Year-?…

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COP – Documents COP – Summary of Requests for Information from Goldman Sachs – 5p 2009 0324 – Letter – COP (Warren) to (DOTT) Geithner – 3p (A) COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – June Report – 11 Items 2010 0610 – COP – The AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and the Government’s Exit Strategy – 337p…

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