Dots Dots – Index (p21) – It is that connecting the dots’ system that we are calling for, not a new regulator. Steve Bartlett, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Financial Services Roundtable 2009 0305 – GOV (House) – Perspectives on Systemic Risk, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  —  [BonkNote] In view of the fact that the…

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Dots – Illustrations Research 1991 – SOA – Illustrations, Society of Actuaries  —  [BonkNote]  —  20p, JUDY FAUCETT: We’re going to discuss the preliminary report of the Task Force for Research on Life Insurance Sales Illustrations. 1991-1992 – SOA – Final Report* of the Task Force for Research on Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 142p Appendix II…

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Start – Documents F:\2021 Bonknote stuff toshiba\2021 Project x – 1973-2 – NAIC – Exhibit II 21 different attempts DuRose bonknote p117-120 [PDF-4p] x – 2016 SOA Target Premium Buckets mp-2016-iss3-zhao-komissarov coi tables, etc. – Flitcraft Compend Reserve Factor Claire 5th –  2017 – DCBA – Lawyer Ad – UL Conceptually Same as WL -…

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