FSOC – Activities GOV – Hughes (ACLI) etc…..  Roy Woodall  – It is important to identify particular activities in order to encourage appropriate and further action that could lessen any company-specific threat to U.S. financial stability. *Paraphrasing what one insurance thought leader once told me: “We should not tolerate any insurance company posing a threat to…

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FSOC – Cost Benefit Analysis MetLife v FSOC – District court, Judge, Decision 2011 1116 – GOV (House) – Insurance Oversight and Legislative Proposals – [PDF-131p]  (p25) – Mr. STIVERS. And the last question, I guess, for Mr. Schwarcz, given our discussion earlier about subpoena power, is there any requirement now for the FIO to do…

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FSOC – MetLife – Run on the Bank Implausible Scenario – Metlife – FSOC Unlike countless banking products, insurance products are not designed to allow access to funds on demand, and often contain deterrents such as the policy limitations or penalties for early withdrawal.  (p16) Document 43 – MetLife v FSOC – Consent Motion of…

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FSOC – Minutes home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/financial-markets-financial-institutions-and-fiscal-service/fsoc/council-meetings/meeting-minutes December 18, 2014 b. Interest Rate Risk The Chairperson recognized Trent Reasons, Senior Policy Advisor at Treasury, who presented on the ongoing work of the Council’s Systemic Risk Committee related to monitoring interest rate risks and preparedness for potential rate shocks. Finally, Mr. Reasons described continued investment margin pressure on life…

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2014 1218 – FSOC – re: MetLife – Basis for the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s Final Determination Regarding Metlife, Inc – 31p 2014 1218 – FSOC re: MetLife – Basis for the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s Final Determination Regarding Metlife, Inc – 31p (p22) – [Surrender Disincentives] – Although these products generally are considered to be long-term liabilities and…

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Q: FSOC – Are Companies Told Why They are Designated SIFIs? GOV – Gary Hughes (ACLI) Woodall ….FSOC says, ‘‘You are systemically dangerous,’’ and a natural question is: Why? The FSOC should have to state why they are dangerous and then be able to turn to their primary regulator and say, ‘‘Can you take care…

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Eyes Terri Vaughan (NAIC CEO):  So it is a very collaborative system, and I will say it has not always been that way. This is something that has taken us years to get to. And the NAIC has staff support that helps to make sure that that collaboration occurs when it needs to occur. 2011 0914…

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FSOC – Government Hearings – List 2011 1006 – GOV (Senate) – Financial Stability Oversight Council Report 2012 0516 – GOV (House) – Designation of Systemically Significant Financial Institutions, Economists Panel (CSPAN) – SIFI Economists Panel – mp3 2012 0516 – GOV (House) – Designation of Systemically Significant Financial Institutions, Government Panel – SIFI Government Panel…

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FSOC – Government Hearings 2011 1006 – GOV (Senate) – Financial Stability Oversight Council Report [PDF-217p , VIDEO-CSPAN] – mp3, mp4 Geithner Senate – Banking 2012 0516 – GOV (House) – Designation of Systemically Significant Financial Institutions, Economists Panel (CSPAN) – SIFI Economists Panel – mp3 [PDF-p, VIDEO-CSPAN] 2012 0516 – GOV (House) – Designation…

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