FSOC – Prudential 2013 0909 – FSOC/Prudential – Resolution Approving Final Deterministation Regarding Prudential Financial Inc. (Woodall, Huff, Edward J. DeMarco, Acting Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency) – The Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission recused herself from the vote. – 23p FSOC – Prudential – Determination and Dissents – [BonkNote] 2013 0919 -…

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FSOC – MetLife Designation MetLife v FSOC – Legal Case Run – Implausible – LIRP – Reputational Risk / Future Shock 2007 – IAA (International Actuarial Association) – Measurement of Liabilities for Insurance Contracts: Current Estimates and Risk Margins, IAA ad hoc Risk Margin Working Group – 170p (p156) – E6.2.3 – The following are some considerations…

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Roy Woodall 1966-1967 – Kentucky Insurance Commissioner 1981 – NALU 1989-?? – Kentucky Insurance Commissioner 1990 – National Association of Life Companies (NALC)  1993-1999 – NALC merged with ACLI 2000-? – attorney with the Washington, D.C. office of the Atlanta law firm of Morris, Manning & Martin.  2002-2011 – senior insurance analyst for the Department…

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Daniel Schwarcz Daniel Schwarcz – Government Hearings Daniel Schwarcz – Law Reviews law.umn.edu/profiles/daniel-schwarcz Daniel Schwarcz – Legal Cases Research Handbook on the Economics of Insurance Law RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE LAW & REGULATION 2018 0311 – InsuranceJournal.com – Ross vs. Schwarcz: Scoring the Throw-Down – [link]   2015 0515 – BRIEF OF SCHOLARS OF…

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FSOC – Financial Stability Oversight Council FSOC – Index FSOC – AIG FSOC – MetLife FSOC – Prudential FSOC – Government Hearings FSOC – Timeline SIFIs – Systemically Important Financial Institutions home.treasury.gov/system/files/261/Interpretive-Guidance-on-Nonbank-Financial-Company-Determinations.pdf treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/documents/pm-fsoc-designations-memo-11-17.pdf 2015 03 – The Financial Reporter, Society of Actuaries – 20p 2010 1001 – Financial Stability Oversight Council Meeting [VIDEO-CSPAN] 16:30 -…

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