1968 – FTC – National Consumer Protection Hearings – Federal Trade Commission 1968 11 – FTC – National Consumer Protection Hearings, Federal Trade Commission  —  [BonkNote]  —  [PDF-398p – GooglePlay] (p11) – SBA – Statement of Howard Samuels, Administrator, Small Business Administration The tremendous cost of insurance that is brought about by the facts that…

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FTC – Snippets Cash value policies differ from term insurance in three important ways. First, the premiums for a cash value policy are initially much higher than for term insurance for the same amount of insurance protection. Second, unlike the premiums for term insurance, cash value premiums do not go up with age, but remain…

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1978 12 – GOV (House – Report) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure Report: Together with Dissenting Views, John Moss (D-CA) 1978 12 – GOV (House – Report) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure Report Together with Dissenting Views, John Moss (D-CA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-106p-GooglePlay] 1978 0807, 0814 and 0815 – GOV (House) -…

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FTC – Annual Reports Annual Highlights 2019 Annual Highlights 2018 Annual Highlights 2017 Annual Highlights 2016 Annual Highlights 2015 Annual Highlights 2014 Annual Highlights 2013 Annual Highlights 2012 Annual Highlights 2011  Annual Report 2011 (6.9 MB)  Annual Report 2010 (25.07 MB)  Annual Report 2009 (6.91 MB)  Annual Report 2008 (4.89 MB)  Annual Report 2007 (15.11…

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FTC – Federal Trade Commission ftc.gov/ ftc.gov/legal-library Life Insurance MLM – Multi-Level Marketing / Pyramid Schemes Michael P. Lynch Michael Pertschuk Robert J. Mackay  1919 – FTC – Report – Protecting the Public by Informing the Investor Betterment of Life Insurance Service, Federal Trade Commission – 10p  – FTC- FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS FINDINGS, OPINIONS,…

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