ERISA – Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 Pacific Lumber, Executive Life Lockheed, Athene PBGC – Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Guaranty Fund 1989 – LC – Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Bruch., No. 87-1054., Supreme Court of United States. 489 U.S. 101 – [link-Google-Scholar] Argued November 30, 1988, Decided February 21, 1989…

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Informed Policymakers We believe it is very important for the subcommittee, and other committees in Congress with jurisdiction over insurance, to have a sound understanding of how our industry operates… …, I would like to focus my remarks this morning on why the ACLI believes that the new Federal Insurance Office, FIO, is an extremely…

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Council of Economic Advisors 2011 – Economic Report of the President – Obama – [link] (p120) – The high cost of conducting that search reduces competition and may result in prices that are higher than the competitive level. One effective way to reduce search costs is through information systems that assist consumers in comparison shopping. In…

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White House Joe Biden Jimmy Carter Calvin Coolidge

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Fannie Mae 2012 – Book – The Fateful History of Fannie Mae: New Deal Birth to Mortgage Crisis Fall, by James R. Hagerty 2012 1023 – CSPAN BookTV- The Fateful History of Fannie Mae –  James Hagerty of the Wall Street Journal talked about his book, The Fateful History of Fannie Mae: New Deal Birth…

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Monetary Policy 1968 0508/0509/0515/0516 – GOV (JEC) – Standards For Guiding Monetary Action. William Proxmire (D-WI) – [PDF-319p] Joint Economic Committee Statement of Orson H. Hart, Vice President and Director of Economic Research, New York Life Insurance Co. – (p171- (p172) – I will offer a few comments later on the relation of fiscal to…

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History of Bills – HOB,has%20been%20published%20since%201873. 1987 – GOV – History of S. 706 – A Bill To Amend The Bank Holding Act And The National Bank Act To Clarify Limitations On Insurance Activities Of Banks, to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. By Mr. HEINZ (for himself and Mr. Dodd) –…

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SOA – Congress James Pilgrim: My question is both to Walt and Fred. When you talk about universal life being a way to sell lower cost coverage by virtue of the policyhoIder’s paying the minimum premium to keep the policy in force, aren’t we going to find down the road, and particularly for companies whose…

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