Federal Oversight of the Insurance Industry Q: Does the NAIC get anything done without pressure from Congress? Senator Magnuson in one hearing made a comment that I think is germane. Maybe these hearings might have an effect on the states doing their job, and that is I think the description of the way that many…

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Attorney General NAAG – National Association of Attorneys General  On the surface is the handbook operator. He makes a profit from the persons who place bets with him because he has an edge on every bet. He pays track odds but usually not in excess of 20 to 1. The odds at the track are…

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FRB – Federal Reserve Board – Snippets 2003 0729 – FCIC – Letter – From FRBNY Frank P Sabato to Michelle Sims, Re report conducted by examiners for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York – 40p Some annuity products. however, contain benefit guarantees for which reserving practices are not well established. 5. A general…

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Secretary of the Treasury – DOTT 1981-1985 – Donald Regan (New Jersey-Republican) 1946-1980 – Merrill Lynch 1971-1980 – Chairman and CEO 1981-1985 – January 22, 1981 February 1, 1985 – Secretary of the Treasury  1985-1987 – White House Chief of Staff  1985-1988 – James Baker (Texas-Republican) 1975-1976 – Under Secretary of Commerce, August 2, 1975 –…

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Pentagon Military 1998 0918 – Washington Post – Pentagon Bars Life Insurance Firm Because of ‘Deceptive’ Practices, (Academy Life Insurance Co.), by Bradley Graham – [link]  —  Military ⇒ Academy Life Insurance Co.   A series of articles 24 years ago published by the Army/Navy/Air Force Times documented many of the same practices that Defense Department officials find…

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Regulations.gov federalregister.gov/documents/2016/04/25/2016-09456/proposed-agency-information-collection-activities-comment-request 2011 0406 – Re: Financial Stability Oversight Council Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Authority to Require Supervision and Regulation of Certain Nonbank Financial Companies (12 CFR Part 1310; RIN 4030-AAOO) – 11p Dennis Glass,  2023 – federalregister.gov/documents/2023/04/28/2023-08964/authority-to-require-supervision-and-regulation-of-certain-nonbank-financial-companies DOL – Fiduciary Rule – [BonkNote] DOL – Fiduciary Rule – Outline – [BonkNote]  Retirement Security Rule: Definition of…

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FOIA – Freedom of Information Act foiaproject.org/ GAO gao.gov/foia-requests Information Requests: govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2022-title4-vol1/pdf/CFR-2022-title4-vol1-sec81-3.pdf GovernmentAttic home.treasury.gov/footer/freedom-of-information-act judicialwatch.org/ judicialwatch.org/files/documents/2009/558_treasuryAIG.pdf scribd.com/publisher/72250156/Judicial-Watch-Inc/lists publicintelligence.net/ TheBlackVault John Moss 2004 0721 – Letter – FROM: Robert J. Freeman, Executive Director, State of New York Department of State Committee on Open Government – [link] I note that in a decision rendered in 2001, the…

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House Members Gary Ackerman Melissa Bean Judy Biggert – (R-IL-1999 to 2013)   Mike Capuano – (D-MA-1999 to 2019) John Dingell Barney Frank John Garamendi Paul Kanjorski Blaine Luetkemeyer Carolyn Maloney John Moss Michael Oxley Dennis Ross   Mike Capuano – (D-MA-1999 to 2019) 2015 0429 – GOV (House) – The Impact of International Regulatory…

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Senators Sherrod Brown – (D-OH) Chris Dodd Byron Dorgan Jake Garn – (R-UT) Philip Hart – (Senator – D – MI) Howard Metzenbaum – (D-OH) Jack Reed – (D-RI) Richard Shelby – (R-AL) Elizabeth Warren – (D-MA) Strom Thurmond media.clemson.edu/library/special_collections/findingaids/thurmond/Mss100Thurmond_21_JudiciaryComm.pdf

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