NERA Economic Consulting 2007 0703- NERA – Subprime Securities Litigation: Key Players, Rising Stakes, and Emerging Trends, Part III of A NERA Insights Series, By Dr. Faten Sabry, Anmol Sinha, and Sungi Lee – 11p 2009 0219 – NERA – How Did We Get Here? The Story of the Credit Crisis, Part V of A…

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ACCI – American Council on Consumers Interests Consumers Union 2011 – ACCI -The Disclosure Solution to the Problems Consumers Face in the Life Insurance Marketplace, by Brian Fechtel – 5p 2011 American Council on Consumer Interests Conference Proceedings 1991 – ACCI – Housing for Moderate Income Households, by Vincent M. Brannigan, Associate Professor, Textiles and…

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ALI – American Law Institute 2018 0406 – 2018 Early Career Scholars Medal Conference Welcome and Keynote, American Law Institute – [VIDEO-YouTube] 2018 Early Career Scholars Medal Conference Panel 1 – [VIDEO-YouTube] 2018 Early Career Scholars Medal Conference Panel 2 – [VIDEO-YouTube] 2018 Early Career Scholars Medal Conference Panel 3 – [VIDEO-YouTube] 2018 Early Career Scholars Medal Conference…

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The Actuarial Foundation – Emeritus Trustees The Actuarial Foundation – Emeritus Trustees – 2023  —  [BonkNote] Cecil Bykerk Sam Gutterman Anna M. Rappaport Charles E. Rohm Walter S. Rugland David K. Sandberg Thomas C. Sutton Mavis A. Walters Charles E. Rohm, This leads to the second attitude adjustment that is needed. The old distinction…

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ACLI – Groups A couple of ACLI groups have also been studying various aspects of universal life insurance. The Council’s Subcommittee on Cost Comparisons has proposed that cost disclosure requirements for universal life plans be generally similar to those for traditional life insurance plans as provided by the NAIC Model Life Insurance Solicitation Regulation. In…

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Milberg 2008 – LR – Milberg’s Monopoly: Restoring Honesty And Competition To The Plaintiffs’ Bar, by James P. Mcdonald – 41p William S. Lerach

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ALEC – American Legislative Exchange Council 2003 1022 – GOV (Senate) – Federal Involvement in the Regulation of the Insurance Industry, (CSPAN) – Insurance Industry Regulation, John McCain (R-AZ) – [PDF-147, VIDEO-CSPAN] The American Legislative Exchange Council is America’s largest nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state legislators dedicated to the principles of limited government, free markets and federalism. Comprised of…

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LIAMA – Life Insurance Agency Management Association 1973 0220 – GOV (Senate) – The Life Insurance Industry, Philip Hart (D-MI) – Part 1 of 4  —  [BonkNote] —  [PDF-815p-GooglePlay] The Widows study – LUTC and LIAMA (p313-391) – The Onset of Widowhood, vol. 1  (p392-508) – Adjustment to Widowhood, vol. 2 1952 – LIAMA – Postselection of Life…

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