1980 0320 – GOV (Senate) – Cancer Insurance and the Elderly, Birch Bayh (D-IN) 1980 0320 – GOV (Senate) – Cancer Insurance and the Elderly, Birch Bayh (D-IN)  —  [BonkNote] Senate – Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopoly, and Business Rights conducted joint hearings with the House Select Committee on Aging  (p32-) – Statement of Herbert Denenberg, Former…

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2024 2015 – PIABA – Testimony – Joseph C. Peiffer – 30p 2024 0215 – GOV (House) – Protecting American Savers and Retirees from DOL’s Regulatory Overreach, Bob Good (R-VA) [PDF-, VIDEO-YouTube-02:06:21] edworkforce.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=410108 2024 0215 – PIABA – Testimony – Joseph C. Peiffer, President, Public Investors Advocate Bar Association  —  [BonkNote]  —  30p  1 – At the beginning of…

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Government Hearings – 2024 2024 0110 – GOV (House) – Regulatory Whiplash: Examining the Impact of FSOC’s Ever-changing Designation Framework on Innovation,  [PDF-, VIDEO-YouTube-02:16:20] House – Committee on Financial Services – Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology and Inclusion 2024 0215 – GOV (House) – Protecting American Savers and Retirees from DOL’s Regulatory Overreach, Bob…

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Policy Research and Insurance – House – Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs 1991 0729 – GOV (House) – Regulation of Insurance Companies and the Role of The National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Ben Erdreich (D-AL)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-286p-GooglePlay], VIDEO-?] ->Not on govinfo.gov – R GAO – 1991 0729 – GAO – Insurance Regulation: Assessment of the National…

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TNEC – Temporary National Economic Committee 1938-1941 – GOV (Senate) – TNEC – Temporary National Economic Committee, Joseph C. O’Mahoney (D-WY)  —  [BonkNote] 1941 – GOV (Senate) – TNEC – Final Report and Recommendations of the Temporary National Economic Committee, Investigation of Concentration of Economic Power – 464p (p269) – Life insurance funds are not venture capital; they are…

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RAFSA – The Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 2010 0410 – NAIC to GOV (Senators – All) – re: NAIC letter to Senators on the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (RAFSA) – 4p If a study is necessary, we urge the Senate to request the study from an objective body, such as…

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FTC – Congress – Life Insurance 1986 0121 0122 – GOV (House) – The Liability InsuranceCrisis – [PDF-553p-GoogIePIay VIDEO-?] NICO – J. Robert Hunter, president, National Insurance Consumer Organization – p279-299 WHAT SHOULD CONGRESS DO? First, it should subject the insurance industry to the anti-trust laws, thus preventing insurers from acting in concert to raise prices.…

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