2015 0428 – GOV (Senate) – The State of the Insurance Industry and Insurance Regulation – Richard Shelby (R-AL) 2015 0428 – GOV (Senate) – The State of the Insurance Industry and Insurance Regulation, Richard Shelby (R-AL)  — [BonkNote] [PDF-56p, VIDEO-Senate] – <mp3, mp4> – T Woodall, McCarty, McRaith, Mark Van Der Weide NAIC – Kevin M. McCarty,…

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1991 0729 – GOV (House) – Regulation of Insurance Companies and the Role of The National Association of Insurance Commissioners – NAIC – Ben Erdreich (D-AL) 1991 0729 – GOV (House) – Regulation of Insurance Companies and the Role of The National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Ben Erdreich (D-AL)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-286p-GooglePlay], VIDEO-?] ->Not on…

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DOL – Fiduciary – Government Hearings 2023 1031 – President Biden Remarks on Protecting Retirement Security – [VIDEO-CSPAN-20:22]  2011 0211 – GOV (House) – Emerging trends at the National Labor Relations Board, Phil Roe (R-TN) [PDF-xp-GooglePlay, VIDEO-?] House – Committee on Education and the Workforce – Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions 3\ See NLRB…

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1974 0710 – GOV (Senate) – Pyramid Sales, Frank E. Moss (D-UT) 1974 0710 – GOV (Senate) – Pyramid Sales, Frank E. Moss (D-UT)  —  [BonkNote]  —  [PDF-xp-GooglePlay] (p1) – Frank E. Moss (D-UT) – Today we will look into the strange and disturbing world of the fast buck pyramid sales scheme. Untold hundreds of…

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1973 – GOV (Senate) – Consumer Redress – John V. Tunney (R-CA) (p166-167) – Neil Gendel, Chairperson, San Francisco Consumer Action – I think we have to look at the big picture for just a minute. I noticed a quote from then President Wilson in 1914 when he talked about our Federal Government. He said:  Suppose…

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1990 1210 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Company Solvency – Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) 1990 1210 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Company Solvency: Insurance Company Solvency and Reporting Methods, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-596p-GooglePlay, VIDEO-?] ->Not on govinfo.gov – R Present: Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) and Strom Thurmond (R-SC) Surplus Notes, Junk Bonds, Real Estate, Insurance Regulation, …

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2017 0803 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Fraud in America: Current Issues Facing Industry and Consumers – Jerry Moran (R-KS) 2017 0803 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Fraud in America: Current Issues Facing Industry and Consumers, Jerry Moran (R-KS)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-77p,  VIDEO-CSPAN] CFA – Rachel Weintraub, Legislative Director and General Counsel, Consumer Federation of America…

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