1978 – GOV (House) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure – John Moss (D-CA) 1978 0807, 0814 and 0815 – GOV (House) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure, John Moss (D-CA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-1049p-GooglePlay]  –  [PDF-826p-govinfo.gov]  1978 12 – GOV (House-Report) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure Report Together with Dissenting Views, John Moss (D-CA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-106p-GooglePlay]…

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1980s – Congress – Snippets 1980 0207 – Congressional Record – Senators Howard Cannon (D-NV),  Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH),  John Durkin (D-NH), re: FTC, McCarran-Ferguson Act – p2382 – congress.gov/bound-congressional-record/1980/02/07/senate-section (p2367-2368) – Senator Howard Cannon (D-NV) – Mr. President, at the time of the markup in the Senate Commerce Committee on the FTC bill, I held the…

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Congress – Snippets – 2009 (p5) – Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL):  The causes of AIG’s collapse raise profound questions about the adequacy of our existing State and Federal financial regulatory regimes. 2009 0305 – GOV (Senate) – American International Group: Examining What Went Wrong, Government Intervention, And Implications for Future Regulation, (CSPAN) Government Intervention and Regulation of…

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1968 – FTC – National Consumer Protection Hearings – Federal Trade Commission 1968 11 – FTC – National Consumer Protection Hearings, Federal Trade Commission  —  [BonkNote]  —  [PDF-398p – GooglePlay] (p11) – SBA – Statement of Howard Samuels, Administrator, Small Business Administration The tremendous cost of insurance that is brought about by the facts that…

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1982 0715 – GOV (Senate) – Fair Insurance Practices Act – Bob Packwood (R-OR) 1982 0715 – GOV (Senate) – Fair Insurance Practices Act, Bob Packwood (R-OR)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-227p-GooglePlay] To Promote Interstate Commerce by Prohibiting Discrimination in the Writing and Selling of Insurance Contracts, and for Other Purposes ACLI – Barbara Lautzenheiser, senior vice president,…

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2002 0731 – GOV (Senate) – Class Action Litigation – Patrick Leahy (D-VT) 2002 0731 – GOV (Senate) – Class Action Litigation, Patrick Leahy (D-VT)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-178p, VIDEO-?] Mirel, Lawrence H., Commissioner, District of Columbia, Department of Insurance and Securities Regulation, Washington, D.C. SUBMISSIONS FOR THE RECORD AEGON USA, Inc., Patrick Baird, President and…

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