2007 1030 – GOV (House) – Additional Perspectives on the Need for Insurance Regulatory Reform, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) 2007 1030 – GOV (House) – Additional Perspectives on the Need for Insurance Regulatory Reform, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-180p, VIDEO-Archive.org] – <mp3, mp4> – R NCOIL – Craig Eiland (TX) – 2p Alessandro Iuppa (Former Maine…

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2017 1024 – GOV (House) – The Federal Government’s Role in the Insurance Industry – Duffy 2017 1024 – GOV (House) – The Federal Government’s Role in the Insurance Industry, Sean Duffy (R-WI)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-140p, VIDEO-YouTube]  Schwarcz/Ross/Duffy/Capuano/Katharine Wade (NAIC/CT) FIO Daniel Schwarcz – 27p 1:17 – Capuano – Madoff did things that were Illegal, AIG…

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2004 0909 – GOV (House) – G.I. Finances: Protecting Those Who Protect Us 2004 0909 – GOV (House) – G.I. Finances: Protecting Those Who Protect Us, Richard Baker (R-LA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-176p, VIDEO-?] ACLI – Testimony – Frank Keating – 6p House – Financial Services Committee – Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises (p1)…

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2009 0506 – GOV (Senate) – Regulation and Resolving Institutions Considered “Too Big to Fail”, Dodd 2009 0506 – GOV (Senate) – Regulation and Resolving Institutions Considered “Too Big to Fail”, Christopher Dodd (D-CT)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-121p,  VIDEO-Senate]  banking.senate.gov/hearings/regulating-and-resolving-institutions-considered-too-big-to-fail    WITNESS PANEL 2 Martin N. Baily, Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, The Brookings Institution – 050609_BAILY-LITAN TESTIMONY …

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2003 0515 – GOV (House) – Retirement Security: What Seniors Need to Know About Protecting Their Futures – Baker 2003 0515 – GOV (House) – Retirement Security: What Seniors Need to Know About Protecting Their Futures, Richard H. Baker (R-LA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-137, VIDEO-?] archives-financialservices.house.gov/archive/hearings216.shtml commdocs.house.gov/committees/bank/hba89632.000/hba89632_0f.htm NAIFA – David F. Woods, CEO, National Association of…

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Mortgages – Government Hearings 2007 1024 – GOV (House) – ?-Title-? – CSPAN – Mortgage Lending Practices [PDF- , VIDEO-CSPAN] (p705) – Statement of Oakley Hunter, Chairman of the Board and President Federal National Mortgage Association Traditionally, financing of housing has come from thrift institutions , commercial banks and life insurance companies . (p716) -…

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