Q: What Do They Mean? – Government Hearings (p47) – Dennis ROSS (R-FL). There hasn’t been a run on life insurance, has there? Are people all of a sudden going to go and cash in their life insurance policies? ⇒  Because if they are, then our serious consequences for economic structure are way out of line. 2015…

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2011 0712 – GOV (Senate) – Enhanced Investor Protection After The Financial Crisis 2011 0712 – GOV (Senate) – Enhanced Investor Protection After The Financial Crisis, Tim Johnson, (D-SD)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-132, VIDEO-Senate Page] banking.senate.gov/hearings/enhanced-investor-protection-after-the-financial-crisis Surveying The Investor Protection Provisions Contained In The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform And Consumer Protection Act One Year After Its…

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1988 0325 – GOV (Senate) – Tax Treatment of Single-Premium Life Insurance 1988 0325 – GOV (Senate) – Tax Treatment of Single-Premium Life Insurance, (CSPAN) Single Premium Life Insurance, Max Baucus (D-MT)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-199p, VIDEO-CSPAN]  GAO – Taxation of Single Premium Life Insurance, Statement of Jennie Stathis – 15p Senate – Committee on Finance – Subcommittee on…

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2010s – NAIC – Insurance Commissioners – Government Hearings (p14) – Terri Vaughan – (NAIC- CEO): So what we try to do is educate consumers about the critical importance of this issue. We spend a lot of money on consumer education. We created a Web site, Insure U Web site, for consumers to go to…

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1990s – NAIC – Insurance Regulators – Government Hearings 1993 0525 –  GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life Insurance?, Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote] (p33) – NAIC – Statement of David Lyons (Iowa Insurance Commissioner (IA), On Behalf of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners  I also serve,…

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1970s – NAIC – Insurance Commissioners – Government Hearings 1975 1203 and 1204 – GOV (Senate) – Veterans Insurance Information Disclosure, Richard Stone (D-FL)  —  [BonkNote] (p36) – William H. Huff III (Iowa) – President of NAIC, Statement  (p44) – NAIC – Mr. William H. HUFF III – (IA): If the Society of Actuaries’ research is…

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1979 0524 – GOV (Senate) – Cost Disclosure in Life Insurance, Senator Metzenbaum (D-OH) 1979 0524 – GOV (Senate) – Cost Disclosure in Life Insurance, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-279p-GooglePlay]  Senate – Committee on the Judiciary – Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopoly and Business Rights (p1) – Opening Statement of Senator Metzenbaum Today the Subcommittee…

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2009 1210 – COP – Hearing – Hearing With Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner 2009 1210 – COP – Hearing – Hearing With Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Congressional Oversight Panel  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-98p, VIDEO-CSPAN, VIDEO-Youtube]   AIG – BankLike-? (p63) – Chair WARREN. Mr. Secretary, I come from a world of Chapter 11. People default all the…

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2014 0311 – GOV (Senate) – Finding the Right Capital Regulations for Insurers 2014 0311 – GOV (Senate) – Finding the Right Capital Regulations for Insurers [PDF-105p, VIDEO-Senate] – <Bonk: mp3, mp4> – T Chair Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Daniel Schwarcz, Collins 2014 0310 – Letter – Sheila C. Bair to Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) – 6p I question the argument that insurance organizations…

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1983 0311 – GOV (Senate) – Taxation of Financial Services Industry 1983 0311 – GOV (Senate) – Taxation of Financial Services Industry – Bob Dole (R-KS)  —   [BonkNote]  [PDF-356p-Senate-Link, VIDEO-?]   Senate – Committee on Finance (p93) – … the life insurance industry has developed new products that contain predominantly investment features similar to those offered…

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