1991 – GOV (House) – Insurance Company Solvency 1991 0227, 0507, 0509 and 0523 – GOV (House) – Insurance Company Solvency, (CSPAN) Insurance Company Insolvencies, Cardiss Collins (D-IL)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-369p-GooglePlay,  VIDEO-0509-CSPAN]   [VIDEO-? – 0227, 0507 and 0523] House – Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation – Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness…

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Derivatives, Futures, Options, Swaps etc – Government Hearings AIG CFTC Brooksley Born Gary Gensler ISDA – International Swaps and Derivatives Association GLBA – Gramm–Leach–Bliley 1980s 1985 0617 – GOV (House) – Options Market and the National Market System [PDF-869p-GooglePlay, VIDEO-?] House – Committee on Energy and Commerce – Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations 1990s 1998 1001…

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1978 12 – GOV (House – Report) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure Report: Together with Dissenting Views, John Moss (D-CA) 1978 12 – GOV (House – Report) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure Report Together with Dissenting Views, John Moss (D-CA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-106p-GooglePlay] 1978 0807, 0814 and 0815 – GOV (House) -…

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2015 1208 – GOV (House) – Oversight of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) 2015 1208 – GOV (House) – Oversight of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)   —   [BonkNote] [PDF-146p,  VIDEO-YouTube]  Derivatives –  financialservices.house.gov///EventID=399520 House – Committee on Financial Services  (p14) – Ms. MATZ. No. The determination wasn’t based on the insurance…

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2009 0514 – GOV (House) – How Should the Federal Government Oversee Insurance? 2009 0514 – GOV (House) – How Should the Federal Government Oversee Insurance?, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-194p, VIDEO-YouTube-(Part 1 of 2) – VIDEO-YouTube-(Part 2 of 2)] Melissa Bean  25:30 – Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) – OTS said they had the power, the resources etc… they…

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Senate – PSI – Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Senate – Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations – 2008 Financial Crisis – Levin – Coburn 2013 0315 – GOV (Senate) – JPMorgan Chase Whale Trades: A Case History of Derivatives Risks and Abuse, Carl Levin (D-MI) Volume 1 of 2 – [PDF-1317p – VIDEO-CSPAN-Part 1] Volume 2 of…

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