SB – IAIS 382. In 2015 Field Testing, lapse or persistency changes due to changes in market conditions were addressed under Market risk. Although the effect from market changes may be experienced through lapses, increases in coverage or unexpected persistence, the risk driver for many such changes is due to market changes. For instance, in…

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IAIS – Run Run In paragraph 34, it is noted that some products offered by insurers (which contain provisions whereby a policyholder can withdraw cash from the policy with little notice or penalty) contain high liquid liability; however, this description is too simplified and inappropriate since it does not properly take into account the reality…

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Corporate Governance 2013 1216 – ThinkAdvisor – Charges of NAIC corporate governance problems erupt, By Elizabeth D. Festa – [link] 2013 1211 – Letter – Tom Leonardi to NAIC etc – 3p “We have met the enemy and he is us!” This famous line from the comic strip Pogo aptly describes the current state of governance…

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IAIS – Consultations 2014 – IAIS – Approaches to Conduct of Business Supervision 2014 – IAIS – Basic Capital Requirements for Global Systemically Important Insurers 2014 – IAIS – Risk-based Global Insurance Capital Standard 2015 – IAIS – Risk-based Global Insurance Capital Standard American Academy of Actuaries  2016 – IAIS – Risk-based Global…

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IAIS – Universal Life Insurance The mismatch between the cash flows from assets and liabilities for traditional products like universal life or fixed annuities is due mostly to interest rate risk. (p18) 2018 – IAIS – [GIMAR] Global Insurance Market Report – 72p – 15.3.4 Nevertheless, close matching of assets and liabilities is often…

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Activities Based Approach FSOC, Woodall, MetLife, Congress 44. If the public becomes concerned about the viability of a particular business model or widely-held asset class, insurers could collectively be forced to liquidate assets in a stressed environment to meet the resulting withdrawals, termination of short-term funding arrangements or collateral/margin calls. 2017 1208 – IAIS -…

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AAA – IAIS 2015 0206 – AAA to IAIS – RE: Risk-based Global Insurance Capital Standard Public Consultation Document (Dec. 17, 2014), , American Academy of Actuaries – 20p 2015 0501 – AAA to IAIS – Committee Comments To IAIS On Conduct Of Business Risk Draft Paper, American Academy of Actuaries – 4p (p3)…

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IAIS – Documents 2022 09 – IAIS – The role of insurance supervisors in multi-stakeholder approaches to address pandemic protection gaps – 24p This note is prepared jointly by staff members of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii). The views expressed in the…

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NTNI – Nontraditional and Non-insurance Non-Traditional “Non-traditional Non-insurance Activities and Products” Non-traditional Non-insurance Activities and Products Public Consultation – Consultation: comments due by 25 January 2016 IAIS 1. MetLife does not engage in non-traditional non-insurance activities that create any appreciable systemic risk. 2014 0730 – Letter – Benjamin Lawsky (New York Superintendent of Financial Services)…

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