Batch Illustrations – Walker v LSW (p17) Q Okay. And at your deposition in this case, did you know that batch illustrations show the maximum amount of funding allowed? A No, I did not. Q Did you also learn that after your deposition? A Correct. Q And at your deposition in this case, did you…

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Deceptive Illustrations – Walker v LSW Deceptive (p4) – BROSNAHAN: What I would like to do process wise go through each of the four principal ways in which we allege that the illustrations are deceptive and in doing so address both the common-law fraud concealment claims and the fraudulent prong of the UCL, then move…

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Costs and Illustrations – Walker v LSW (p78-79) – Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 – p27 Q Do the illustrations even without optional page that itemizes the expenses, does the standard illustration reflect in some way the costs of a policy?…

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Illustration Uses – Walker v LSW (p89-90) – Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27> Q Just briefly what is an illustration? A An illustration is something that’s used — it’s a tool. I call it a tool to use with both…

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Illustrations – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A ACLI – TRG – Technical Resource Goup, Industry – Illustrations – NAIC Back to top B Batch Illustrations – Walker vs. LSW Bonk – Illustrations Back to top C Costs and Illustrations – Walker vs. LSW Back to top D Deceptive Illustrations – Walker vs. LSW Dots – Illustrations Dots…

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NAIC – Illustration Model Regulation – Comments Walker v LSW – Judge – Video NAIC Proc – 1990s – end of Working Group  – Good Job One of the first things that a serious reader of the NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation will realize is that it is not a tightly written document. — …

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Bonk – Illustrations It is probably true that most of the information needed is already in illustrations but doesn’t get to the consumer because of their limited attention span or because of how the information is presented. Though it is usually not stated so simply, in the area of llustrations, format not content is the…

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Illustration Actuary Back in Chicago on February 13, 1996, there was an ACLI meeting where Bob Wilcox, who is the Commissioner of Insurance in Utah, said that there were four guiding principles to the entire illustration actuary movement. He said the process has been going on for several years at the NAIC level to,…

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Q: How Do Agents Use Life Insurance Illustrations? How do Agents use these? It would be good to hear from agents. —  Richard Wicka, WI-Chair) 2018 12 – NAIC – Life Insurance Illustrations Issues Working Group 2017 – State Farm Agent Training / Van Mueller Approximately 2:11 – “I don’t ever use an illustration.”  See…

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