Premiums and Benefits – Understanding Illustrations Ask your insurance agent, financial advisor, or an insurance company representative for an illustration showing future values and benefits. (p5) 2018 – NAIC Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – 8p He <Birny Birnbaum> disagreed with Mr. Lovendusky <ACLI>  that an accompanying illustration would reduce the complexity of products for consumers. He said…

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Illustration – Descriptions From the Floor: Hal, do you really think that it’s reasonable to get an insurance community to agree on a single definition of an illustration? Mr. Phillips: I’m very hopeful that we could agree. Actuaries should agree first, of course. If we can’t agree and move forward, then I’m really discouraged. Then…

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Packets In a Universal Life policy, you can choose a flexible premium payment pattern as long as you pay enough to keep your policy in force.” Evaluate the Future of Your Policy Does your policy have a cash value? Ask your insurance agent, financial advisor, or an insurance company representative for an illustration showing future…

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On Notice – Illustrations – General NAIC to Governors – 199x 1992 – GOV- when will/ Disclosure AAA to NAIC NCOIL to State Insurance Departments Tony Higgins (N.C.) referred the group to a resolution of the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) urging state insurance departments to become aware of disclosure and abuse issues in…

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Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation – LIIMR – 582 – NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation – LIIMR – 582 – NAIC Proceedings – Citations  —  [BonkNote] George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) Obviously, this isn’t the first time the industry and the regulators have become involved…

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Dots – Illustrations Research 1991 – SOA – Illustrations, Society of Actuaries  —  [BonkNote]  —  20p, JUDY FAUCETT: We’re going to discuss the preliminary report of the Task Force for Research on Life Insurance Sales Illustrations. 1991-1992 – SOA – Final Report* of the Task Force for Research on Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 142p Appendix II…

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Illustrations – Problems We’ve all heard a lot about the junk bond crisis. Is the next crisis going to be junk illustrations? —  Judy Faucett 1991 – SOA – Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 20p The number one perceived problem is that buyers simply do not understand the nonguaranteed nature of life insurance illustrations. Also, it is…

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Starters – Illustrations “future benefit illustrations” 1988-2, NAIC Proc ….provide illustrations based on different assumptions. This would serve to demonstrate to the consumer the effect on future benefits of changes in assumptions. — STATEMENT ON BEHALF OF <ACLI> THE AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LIFE INSURANCE TO THE NAIC MARKET CONDUCT SURVEILLANCE (EX3) TASK FORCE, June 13,…

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2016 0517 – LIIIWG – NAIC Performance Assurity White Paper Assurity White Paper – in particular, the impact consumer payment patterns have on the performance of the product.  Mr. Wicka said the paper advocates for: 1) additional information to be provided to consumers regarding how the timing of their payments impacts the product; and 2) follow-up information to…

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