BOE – Bank of England Vicky Saporta 2017 – BOE – Douglas, G., Noss, J., and Vause, N. (2017). The impact of solvency ii regulations on life insurers’ investment behaviour. Bank of England Staff Working Paper No. 664 – 30p 2022 02 – BOE – Modelling fire sale contagion across banks and non-banks, Staff…

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WorldBank International Bank for Reconstruction and Development In contrast, many of the investment-oriented products marketed in the last decade have shorter duration and require greater liquidity than was needed in earlier … 1992 – World Bank – The Life Insurance Industry in the United States:  An Analysis of Economic and Regulatory Issues, Kenneth M. Wright – 54p…

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CIA-ICA – Canadian Institute of Actuaries Nobis cura futuri, the motto of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, may be roughly translated “We care about the future.” 1982 – SOA – Actuarial Aspects of the Changing Canadian Demographic, by Robert L. Brown – 26p 3. Determination of Range of Primary Scenarios An actuary involved in the…

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ESRB – European Systemic Risk Board 2015 12 – ESRB – Report on systemic risks in the EU insurance sector, Annex 3, Sources of systemic risks – 92p 2018 11 – ESRB – Macroprudential provisions, measures and instruments for insurance – 80p 2020 02 – ESRB – Enhancing the macroprudential dimension of Solvency II -…

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Central Banks Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is a committee of banking supervisory authorities that was established by the central bank governors of the Group of Ten countries in 1974. DOCS Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision Concordat on cross-border banking supervision Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution owned…

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EU – European Union ECB – European Central Bank European Banking Authority EIOPA – European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority ESMA – European Securities and Markets Authority is an independent EU authority that protects the stability of the EU’s financial system. – ESRB – European Systemic Risk Board European Commission proposes laws, makes sure EU…

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EIOPA – European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Gabriel Bernardino EIOPA observed in several issues of its Financial Stability Report (2015, 2016d,e) the increasing penetration of unit and index-linked product in the market and warned on the potential implications for the policyholders.  (p37) 2017 – EIOPA – Systemic risk and macroprudential policy in insurance – 77p 2015…

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IMF – International Monetary Fund …why has the sailing been smooth for mature products similar to universal life insurance abroad, while in China things have been so turbulent? (p57) 2017 0623 – IMF – Strengthening Financial and Exchange Rate Frameworks – 230p – [Link to Download page -> Conference ebook]  Assimilation of banking-type activities by…

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IAA – International Actuarial Association Astin Bullentin – 2002 02 – IAA (International Actuarial Association) – Report of Solvency Working Party, Prepared for IAA Insurance Regulation Committee – 99p 2004 – ACLI/ IAA – Renewal Premiums and Discretionary Participation Features of a Life Insurance, A Joint Research Project – 52p 2007 – IAA (International…

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