IAIS – International Association of Insurance Supervisors iaisweb.org IAIS – Index IAIS – Documents IAIS – Holistic Framework IAIS – Universal Life Insurance COB – Conduct of Business NTNI – Nontraditional and Non-insurance Corporate Governance AAA – IAIS NAIC – IAIS iaisweb.org//supervisory-material/   Activities-Based Approach (ABA) Behavioral-Based Approach Comframe ComFrame Standards ComFrame Guidance Entity-Based Approach…

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FSB – Financial Stability Board fsb.org/ youtube.com/user/FinStbBoard The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system. It was established after the G20 London summit in April 2009 as a successor to the Financial Stability Forum (FSF). The Board includes all G20 major economies, FSF members, and the European Commission. Hosted and funded…

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CBIRC (China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission” cbirc.gov.cn/ China Personal Insurance Supervision Department Wealth Management Subsidiaries Rules Notice on Strengthening Standardized Management and Promoting the Stable Development of Life Insurance Companies’ Annual Business 2017, April 21 – the CIRC issued a high-level guidance, the CIRC Notice on Further Strengthening Risk Prevention and Control of the…

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ASIA 1998 – SOA – Profiting from Financial Turmoil in Asian Insurance Markets, Society of Actuaries – 22p asia.nikkei.com/ insurancebusinessmag.com/asia

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China Universal Life – China …why has the sailing been smooth for mature products similar to universal life insurance abroad, while in China things have been so turbulent? (p57) 2017 0623 – IMF – Strengthening Financial and Exchange Rate Frameworks – 230p – [Link to Download page -> Conference ebook]  China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)…

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Country Country – Index Australia Canada China European Union Ghana Japan New Zealand South Africa United Kingdom Egypt 1985 – AP – A NON-METRIC MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMERS’ ATTITUDES TO LIFE INSURANCE: An Empirical Investigation of Insured vs. Non-insured Attitudes Towards Life Insurance Purchasing Decision Variables in Egypt, Galal Abd El-Haleem Harby – 331p

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Worldview Bretton Woods Conference – Bretton Woods system – 1945-1971 led to the establishment of the IMF and the IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) –  (now the World Bank) bonknote.com/worldview-searches/ wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_financial_regulatory_authorities_by_country wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union%E2%80%93United_Kingdom_relations United States AICPA – CFTC – Commodity Futures Trading Commission cftc.gov/ Congress  Courts DOT – Department of Treasury CFPB –  Consumer Financial Protection Bureau consumerfinance.gov/ …

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FASB – Financial Accounting Standards Board 2016 0929 – FASB- Draft – Proposed Accounting Standards Update – 172p Comments Due: December 15, 2016F inancial Services—Insurance (Topic 944) – Targeted Improvements to the Accounting for Long-Duration Contracts FASB – SFAS 97 – Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises for Certain Long-Duration Contracts and for Realized Gains…

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ASB – Actuarial Standards Board actuarialstandardsboard.org/ ASB – Actuarial Standards Board – Snippets ASOPS – Actuarial Standards of Practice ASOP – Actuarial Standard of Practice No. 2 – Nonguaranteed Charges or Benefits for Life Insurance Policies and Annuity Contracts – 16p 1993 – SOA – ASB Standard on Selection of Economic Assumptions, Society of Actuaries…

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