Viatical Settlements Life Settlements 2003 0515 – GOV (House) –  2003 0515 – GOV (House) – Testimony – NAIC – Tom Gallagher, Florida – Chief Financial Officer, Department of Financial Services – 14p 2005 – LR – Viatical Settlement Industry: Does Mutual Benefits Render It Terminal? – 63p

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Defined Contribution Plans 2000 – LR – Rethinking the Risk of Defined Contribution Plans, by Regina T. Jefferson – 79p Abstract – This article analyzes the risk of shortfall in the expected retirement benefits in defined contribution plans, as regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The article compares and contrasts the…

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Spin Life 2006 1216 – NYT – How Spin Life Works – [Infographic] – [link] 2006 1217 – NYT – Late in Life, Finding a Bonanza in Life Insurance, By Charles Duhigg – [link] – p99- Insurance executives, for instance, say transactions like Mr. Margolis’s may cripple their industry and make it harder for the average senior…

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401k 2014 0403 – Retirement Income TV – Private Pension Plan Overview – Replace 401k with BEST PLAN on Earth – ZERO Losses/Tax-Free Income – [VIDEO-YouTube-26:25] “Beats the pants off” Magic Compound interest 11 – Planting Seeds 12 – Dwarfed 12 – Harvest 15 – Can’t Lose Money 23 – Securities Brokers can’t sell you an…

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CLO – Collateralized Loan Obligation 2021 – FRB-P – CLO Performance, WP 20-48, Federal Reserve Board – 62p 2022 0603 – Retirement Income Journal – NAIC Reassures Congress on Private Equity-Led Insurers, By Kerry Pechter  —  [BonkNote]  —  [link]

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Life Insurance Securitization 2006 – AP – Regulation XXX Spurs Insurance Securitization, by Stephen Rooney – <WishList-HeinOnline> 2009 0924 – GOV (House) – Recent Innovations in Securitization, Paul E. Kanjorski (D-PA) [PDF-123p,] Written statement of Joseph M. Belth  – p103- Testimony – Susan Voss (IA) – NAIC House – Committee on Financial Services – Subcommittee…

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Fixed Income Securities 2013 – FDIC – Credit Risk Assessment of Bank Investment Portfolios – 7p 2005 – Book – The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities – 7th Edition, by Frank Fabozzi – 1531p 2005 – Book – The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities – 7th Edition, by Frank Fabozzi – 1531p (p37) – Private Placement Market In…

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Mortgage Pass-Through Bonds 1990 – SOA – Cash-Flow Projection Methods and Assumptions – 28p (p6) – MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH BONDS FLOW OF FUND 2020 Q1 – FHLBC – Balance Sheet Leverage Strategies Using Agency MBS – [link] 1989 – FRB-KC – The Prepayment Risk of Mortgage-backed Securities, By Sean Becketti – 15p Since their creation in 1970, mortgage…

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Muni-GICs Executive Life Insurance Company AIG – AIGFP (p4) – Mr. Schreiber provided an overview of the Project Metropolis structure, which addresses liquidity demands related to AIGFP’s municipal guaranteed investment agreement portfolio on a downgrade. He explained that the structure effectively gave AIGFP the ability to put its obligations to post collateral under the municipal…

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