Portfolio Insurance 1984 – SOA – Financial Futures and Options, Society of Actuaries – 28p – Book – A First-Class Catastrophe: The Road to Black Monday, the Worst Day in Wall Street History, Diana B. Henriques 1997 0929 – Pensions & Investments – Jacobs blames portfolio insurance, by Barry B. Burr, The International Newspaper of Money…

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Municipal GICs 2008 0208 – Reuters – FSA, BofA Could Be Sued by SEC Over Muni Contracts – [link]

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Venture Capital 1941 – GOV (Senate – TNEC) – Final Report and Recommendations of the Temporary National Economic Committee, Investigation of Concentration of Economic Power – 464p

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CMO – Collateralized Mortgage Obligations REMIC – Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit 1987 – SOA – Sources of Capital for Investment and New Business, Society of Actuaries – 42p 1987 – SOA – New Investments and New Investment Strategies, Society of Actuaries – 48p 1990 – SOA – Session 10 – Panel: CMO and Other Asset Projections, vasp0160,…

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Asset Management 1981 – SOA – Asset Management for an Insurance Company, Society of Actuaries – 14p

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PRT – Pension Risk Transfer Pensions De-Risking AAA (American Academy of Actuaries) – 2016 – AAA – Issue Brief: Pension Risk Transfer- [link] — 12p ACLI (American Council of Life Insurers) – Pension De-Risking – [link] MetLife – 2022 – MetLife – 2022 Pension Risk Transfer Poll – [link] – 10p NAIC – CIPR – Pension Risk…

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Affiliate Transactions 2007 0611 – OTS – Office of Thrift Supervison Holding Company Report Of Examination of AIG – 52p1 (p37) – The following table lists AIG’s significant intra-group transactions (IGT) as of March 31, 2007. $6.1 billion in Loans: From American General Life Insurance Co to AIG Financial Products Corp 1995 – GAO – Insurance Regulation: Observations…

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ABS – Asset-Backed Securities 1990 – SOA – Asset-Backed Securities, Society of Actuaries – 38p 1996 – SOA – Asset-Backed Securities, Society of Actuaries – 25p Summary: In this teaching session, various forms of asset-backed securities, e.g., credit cards, auto, home equity, commercial real estate, mobile homes, etc., are examined. A review of basic structures and a…

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Mortgages Life insurance companies were, however, major investors in mortgages. In 1870, 40 percent of the industry’s assets were invested in mortgages and five years later, 54 percent. 1976 – AP – Eastern Money and Western Mortgages in the 1870s, H. Peers Brewer –  In support of this proposition, housing groups cite the reduction in…

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