FABN – Funding Agreement-Backed Note FABCP –  funding agreement–backed commercial paper  The use of institutional funding agreements by U.S. life insurers emerged as a response to long-run macroeconomic and regulatory changes that affected the industry. (p13) 2015 – FRB – Self-Fulfilling Runs: Evidence from the US Life Insurance Industry – 52p 2008 0807 – Moody’s – Global…

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ABX 2021 – IHS Markit ABX.HE Index Rules – 11p

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Life Insurance Company Yield 1937 – AP – Analysis of the Yield of the Investments of a Selected Group of Legal Reserve Life Insurance Companies: 1929-1936 – Thesis, Atlanta University – 55p (p14) – The extremely low yield on the real estate shows that most of it could not be disposed of at book value. The…

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CDS – Credit Default Swaps AIG – CDS – Credit Default Swaps – AIGFP Known in the trade as credit default swaps, the derivative contracts serve essentially as insurance against default on corporate loans and bonds. 2001 0402 – InvestmentNews – Default swaps could imperil insurers: A new derivative that Wall Street investment houses are…

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Demand Deposit Demand deposits are funds on deposit with banks; they are subject to immediate withdrawal and are classified as cash. (p434) —   – Life and Health Actuarial (EX5) Task Force –  1988-2, NAIC Proceedings ATTTACHMENT TWO-B Draft 4/11/88 RE: Proposed Regulations Concerning the Valuation of Universal Life Insurance Plans The regulation provides for the…

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Hedge Funds Risks of Hedge Fund Operations, Hearing on Hedge Fund Operations Before H Comm. on Banking, 105th Cong. (1998) 1998 1001 – GOV (House) – Hedge Fund Operations Risks  [PDF-? , VIDEO-CSPAN] Greenspan, Long-Term Capital Management 1998 1001 – GOV (House) – Hedge Fund Operations Risks [PDF-?, VIDEO-CSPAN] Long-Term Capital Management Brooksley E. Born…

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Separate Accounts 1985 0717 – Federal Register – Vol. 50, No. 137 p28930-28931 – SEC – Investment companies:  Separate accounts funding flexible premium variable life  insurance contracts – 2p 2000 – SOA – Separate Account Products in the U.S. and Canada: Comparing Their Design, Regulation, and Taxation, Society of Actuaries – 28p 2. A separate account is…

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Monolines Bond Insurers ACA Ambac FSA – Financial Security Assurance MBIA Financial Guarantee Insurance Financial Guarantors Bond Wraps Bill Ackman Eric Dinallo – 2007 01 – 2009 07 – New York State Superintendent of Insurance 1998 – SOA – Credit Enhancement of Guaranteed Investment Contracts and Funding Agreements, Society of Actuaries – 14p 2003 – Monoline Insurance & Financial Guaranty…

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Financial Guarantee Insurance Monolines Bond Insurers FRB – Federal Reserve Board NAIC – Financial Guarantee Study Group Model Financial Guarantee Insurance Act SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission The financial meltdown that began in 2007 revealed problems with financial guarantee insurers and regulation of these insurers.  2011 – JIR / NAIC – Financial Guarantee Insurance…

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