SLAPP Makaeff v. Trump University – Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 425.16(e). The district court determined that Makaeff’s statements fell into the fourth category, conduct in connection “with a public issue or an issue of public interest,” because the statements provided “consumer protection information.” Under California law, statements warning consumers of fraudulent or deceptive…

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Settlement Agreements Sealed Settlement Agreements   2004 – Report – Sealed Settlement Agreements in Federal District Court, Federal Judicial Center – [] The Judicial Conference of the United States’ Advisory Committee on Civil Rules asked the Federal Judicial Center to conduct research on sealed settlement agreements filed in federal district court. Although the practice of confidential…

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Anti-Trust When I read the program information, I was struck by the antitrust disclaimer that we have at the front of the program. I want to read that disclaimer to you. It says, “Under no circumstances shall meetings or programs be used as a forum for representatives of competing companies and/or firms to reach any…

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Agency Law Principal-Agent 2024 0209 – FSRA – [2023-015] – Comments – Consultation for Proposed Guidance on Life Insurance Agent & MGA Licensing Suitability  —  [BonkNote] CLHIA – Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association – Lyne Duhaime – [FSRA-2023-015] – 2024 0223 – 10p Reliance on Agency Law falls short: In practical terms, the vast majority of MGAs operate independently and support…

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Apparent Authority 2018 – LC – Ciofoletti v. Securian Fin. Grp.  —  [BonkNote] No. 0:18-cv-03025-JNE-ECW (D. Minn.) – filed in federal court in St. Paul, Minnesota Doc 138 – Transcript – June 23, 2020 p27 – It’s Vacura v. Haar’s Equipment, Inc. It’s cited in the notes to this Jury Instruction, 364 N.W.2d 387 at…

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Authority Actual Authority Apparent Authority 2018 – LC – Ciofoletti v. Securian Fin. Grp.  —  [BonkNote] No. 0:18-cv-03025-JNE-ECW (D. Minn.) – filed in federal court in St. Paul, Minnesota Doc 138 – Transcript – June 23, 2020 p27 – It’s Vacura v. Haar’s Equipment, Inc. It’s cited in the notes to this Jury Instruction, 364…

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Reasonable Person As in every other business, an insurance agent’s primary enterprise is to sell insurance, a vocation no adult consumer would confuse with a religious order.[12] Concomitantly, a reasonable buyer of insurance (or any other product) must, at peril of caveat emptor, act as a reasonable consumer, e.g., research her needs from multiple sources and price-shop for policies.[13] [12] “[F]or…

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MLM – Multi-Level Marketing – Legal Cases 01:06:00 – Comment – somebody should do videos of legal cases 2023 0121 – Always Marco – Responding To The Pro-MLMer Who Exposed Me – [Dominick Izzo] – [VIDEO-YouTube-04:11:56]

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Jail David Rutstein – The People that are running your company may end up in jail. 20 – Sahid – So, you are saying that Patrick Bet-David who is worth 500 Million dollars is going to end up jail? And the same … did the partnership with Integrity Marketing, a company that is worth over…

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Conflict of Interest 1966 – LR – The Unauthorized Practice of Law by Laymen and Lay Associations, by Loyd P. Derby – 34p 2005 – LR – The Dirt on Coming Clean,  When rendering legal advice to customers, life insurance salesmen have a conflict of interests—they are interested in setting up an estate plan with…

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