Punitive Damages 1997 – LR – Punitive Damages Reform: The Case of Alabama, by George L. Priest – 17p Gallant v. Prudential 27. Gallant v. Prudential Life Ins. Co., Barbour County, AL, CY·93-S0 (1994)  Ferguson v Crown Life

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Lawsuits Law – Index Legal Cases – Index Legal Cases – Snippets – Other There are problems waiting to emerge that will be uncovered by lawsuits, not the regulators, or by the media. Consider life insurance market conduct abuses of a decade ago. The largest life insurers told people their premiums would disappear, and confused…

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Deceptive Trade Practices Deceptive DTPA – Deceptive Trade Practices Act Crown v Casteel 2000 – LR – Deceptive Trade Practices – Consumer Protection Act, by A. Michael Ferrill and Leslie Sara Hyman – 35p In Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. v. Haney,8 a life insurance agent brought DTPA claims against MetLife complaining of inaccurate policy illustrations generated…

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Libel 1978 0406 – NYT – $1.9 Million Payment Ordered in Libel Case, Sierra Life Insurance Co. – [link] A judge has ordered The Twin Falls Times News to pay $1.9 million in libel damages after it refused to disclose its sources for articles that an insurance company said ruined its business.

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Legal Cases – Snippets – Other In 1940, this Court implicitly accepted this reasoning in Holloman v. Life Insurance Company of Virginia, 192 S.C. 454, 459 7 S.E.2d 169, 171 (1940) ⇒  (“We do not consider the law a closed system, but on the contrary it is our view that its concepts should expand to…

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65 or older 2022 0304 (Date Filed) – LC – Williams v. National Western Life Insurance – Opinion on Transfer, Appeals Court – 52p (p7) – 5 Section 785, subdivision (a) provides: “All insurers, brokers, agents, and others engaged in the transaction of insurance owe a prospective insured who is 65 years of age or older, a…

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Elder Abuse ‘living trust mills’ 4 A “ ‘living trust mill’ ” involves “salespeople, posing as experts in estate planning, ngage[ing] in the unlawful practice of law, advis[ing] senior citizens to establish a living trust, and to invest in . . . annuities.” (People ex rel. Lockyer v. Fremont General Corp. (2001) 89 Cal.App.4th 1260,…

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Elder Law 2021 1129 – Bloomberg – ‘Pension Poachers’ Are Targeting America’s Elderly Veterans, By Nick Leiber – [link] Larry Eber’s life was derailed when middlemen pledged to help him get supplemental benefits. Similar tales of alleged manipulation are playing out for thousands of former service members and their families. “Pension poaching” Chantelle Smith, an…

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PIABA – Public Investors Advocate Bar Association piaba.org/ Joseph C. Peiffer, President, Public Investors Advocate Bar Association – LC – Williams v. National Western Life Insurance Company – [BonkNote] 2024 0215 – GOV (House) – Protecting American Savers and Retirees from DOL’s Regulatory Overreach, Bob Good (R-VA) [PDF-, VIDEO-YouTube-02:06:21] edworkforce.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=410108 PIABA – Joseph C. Peiffer, President, Public Investors Advocate Bar…

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