Christopher Coyle 2023 – LC – Keven Aguilar, DBA Lionhearted Industries – FFL – Family First Life v. Christopher S. Coyle Oklahoma No. CJ-2023-1426 (Civil relief more than $10,000: BREACH OF AGREEMENT – CONTRACT) Filed: 04/20/2023

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MDL-581 – LC – Baldwin-United Baldwin-United Baldwin-United – Legal Cases [Bonk: Contagion-?] In the meantime, a movement was afoot within the life insurance industry led by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, as well as the securities brokerage industry, to put together an enhanced rehabilitation plan which would raise the crediting rate on the SPDAs from 5.5%…

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Baldwin-United – Legal Cases Baldwin-United 1980s – LC – MDL-581 – In re Baldwin-United Corp. Sec. Litig.(S.D.N.Y.)  —  [BonkNote] [Bonk: Contagion-?] In the meantime, a movement was afoot within the life insurance industry led by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, as well as the securities brokerage industry, to put together an enhanced rehabilitation plan which would…

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Compulife v. Rustein  – LC – Compulife v. David Rutstein  —  [BonkNote] 2017 0629 – Case 9:16-cv-80808-BER Document 123 – ORDER denying 68 Compulife’s Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Judge Robin L. Rosenberg on 6/29/2017 –  2021 1201 – ORDER re: Notice of Intent to Correct Final Judgment. Responses due 12/15/21. Signed by…

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