1970s / 1980s – LIBG – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – Wisconsin Wisconsin Task Force William SNELL. Northwestern Mutual – In Wisconsin in July 1977, the state held a hearing on the NAIC Model Life Insurance Solicitation Regulation. Most people present suggested that it be adopted. Nothing happened until May 1978, when a new regulation…

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Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – LIBG LIBG – VersionsLIBGWG – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Working Group – NAICLIOGGWG – Life Insurance Online Guide Working Group (A) – NAIC6 – LIBGBuyer’s Guide SubgroupLIBG – Comparison ChartNon-Guaranteed Elements Work Group – NGEWG – AAAShoppingPolicy PerformanceWhat’s the Problem / Goal?Life Cost Comparison Working Group – NAIC (p43) -…

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LIBG – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A AAA to NAIC – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide (LIBG) Back to top C Copy of LIBG – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Back to top L LIBGWG – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Working Group – Index LIBGWG – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Working Group – NAIC…

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Differences – Target Audience for Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – LIBG – NAIC Thank you for the clarification you provided in our recent conference call about the target market for the draft life insurance buyer’s guide. With that in mind, we started by making a list of basic information about life insurance that first-time buyers…

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NAIC – Life Insurance Info – Add NAIC Be Sure You Can Afford the Premium Payments Before purchasing a life insurance policy, be sure that you can afford the cost. Can you afford the initial premium? If the premium increases later, will you still be able to afford it? Legal Cases Blumenthal v New York…

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P1P2 – NAIC – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Even if there is enough in your account (SIV-A) to pay the premiums (P2-B),  continuing to pay premiums (P1-C) yourself means that you build up more cash value (SIV-D) . 2007 – NAIC Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide  – 10p   Policy Mechanics / Works P1 E1 SIV i…

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AAA – NAIC – LIBG American Academy of Actuaries, Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Working Group (A) 2017 1019 – Letter – AAA to NAIC LIBGWG – Work Group Comments on Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Discussion Draft, American Academy of Actuaries, Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Working Group (A) – 2p Non-Guaranteed Elements Work Group comment letter…

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Buyer’s Guide Subgroup – NAIC 1995/12/13 – Start of Charge to Revise LIBG 1996/03/25 – Dunlap, Higgins, Kite, Cude – Rewrote LIBG 1996/05/23 –  1996/06/01 –  1996/06/04 – 1996-2 (p696) – Draft (Attachment FIVE 1-A) 1996-1 1996-2 1996-3v1 1996-3v2 1996-3B – NAIC Draft redlined Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – Draft – 6p  More Life Insurance…

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6 – LIBG https://www.naic.org/documents/life_insurance_buyers_guide.pdf 2019  (4) Keep in mind that you may be able to change your current policy to get benefits <Plan of Insurance> you want. Dynamic Policies Cude – What are Benefits Universal Life is a ratebook and more, all by itself. If you say you have Universal Life, you in fact have…

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