IUL – Retirement Income – Loans 2018 /2019 – SOA – Why Indexed Universal Life Income Streams Need to Be Managed 2018 10 – SOA – Why Indexed Universal Life Income Streams Need to Be Managed—Part 1, By Ben H Wolzenski and John S. McSwaney – p28-31 – soa.org/4934ca/globalassets/assets/library/newsletters/product-development-news/2018/october/pro-2018-iss111.pdf WHAT’S THIS ABOUT AND A QUICK…

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Savings and Loan – Government Hearings 1990 – GOV (Senate) – Impact of Restructuring of the S&L Industry: A Case Study on Bluebonnet Savings Bank 0709 and 0731 – Part 1 – [PDF-1253p-GooglePlay, Video-CSPAN] Phillip E. Stano, General Counsel, Alabama Insurance Department 0806 – Part 2 – [PDF- 1235p-GooglePlay, Video-CSPAN] Senate – Committee on the…

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AIG – Collateral for Federal Reserve Loan So the — the type of collateral and the type of 22 risk we were taking in this case or considering taking 23 in this case was fundamentally different because in this 24 case we were going to be forced to rely principally on a 25 judgment about…

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Loans – Walker v LSW Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27> (p113-114) Q Is this cash accumulation feature that can be then used to take tax-free loans, is that unique to IULs, or do other types of policies afford that option?…

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FHLB – Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Act of 1932 Federal Home Loan Bank System Federal Home Loan Bank Board  Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) – [link] The Federal Home Loan Bank System was created by the Federal Home Loan Bank Act as a government sponsored enterprise to support mortgage lending and…

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SLHC – Savings and Loan Holding Company Northwestern Mutual seeks to deregister based on the representation that its subsidiary federal savings association, Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company (“NM Wealth”), Milwaukee, qualifies as a trust-only company pursuant to section 2(c)(2)(D) of the Bank Holding Company Act (“BHC Act”), 12 U.S.C. § 1841(c)(2)(D) federalreserve.gov/supervisionreg/legalinterpretations/bhc_changeincontrol20120926.pdf Massachusetts Mutual Life…

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Liquidity – Policy Loans Loans <ACLI> Re: Policy Loan Developments of 15 Life Insurance Companies The purpose of the meeting was to discuss concerns about the liquidity conditions and the possibilities of future adverse developments. The company people wanted to be sure that Mr. Volcker  <Chairman of the Federal Reserve> was fully aware of the…

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Marketing Insurance through Banks and Savings and Loans A good example of that is the Lifetime Value Series, a family of products from Aetna that target the bank customer and are to be sold through the bank to facilitate the sale of life insurance by bank staff and bank representatives. —  MARC G. VERRIER 1995…

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Liquidation Belth FRB Valuation Loans MR. BELTH: Before you sit down, John, let me ask you a question. Rumor has it that there were some extensive discussions between highly placed life insurance officials and officials of the Federal Reserve in April, 1980. Would you care to discuss exactly what the nature of those conversations was?…

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Savings and Loans The Crisis arose because the Government extended a 100% Guarantee on most Thrift Deposits without taking commensurate measures to prevent unsound banking practices likely to lead to losses. 1990 – AP – The Savings-and-Loan Crisis Causes and Remedies, by  Dalton Leonard Anderson – 203p During the past decade, the savings and loan crisis and…

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