Loans Liquidity – Policy Loans Policy Loan Premium Loan Life insurance companies are also in danger of a major acceleration of loans on outstanding policies at well below market cost of funds if short-term interest rates, especially for money market funds, continue at approximately twice the rate at which most individual policy loan contracts are…

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Policy Loans Loans LIRP – Life Insurance Retirement Plan Chris H. McElvaine: …I heard another policyholder at the annual meeting mention that he has taken advantage of his 6% policy loan provision. He has reinvested that money with the same company in an RRSP five-year interest certificate bearing a phenomenal rate of interest. Apparently he…

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Premium Loan Automatic premium loan A loan provision in a life insurance policy allowing any premium not paid by the end of the grace period (usually 30 or 31 days) to be paid automatically through a policy loan if cash value is sufficient. (p134) 2016 – ACLI Fact Book – 186p J. B. WALKER felt…

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