Batch Illustrations – Walker v LSW (p17) Q Okay. And at your deposition in this case, did you know that batch illustrations show the maximum amount of funding allowed? A No, I did not. Q Did you also learn that after your deposition? A Correct. Q And at your deposition in this case, did you…

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DOC 810 – Trial Transcript – Day 7 – Walker v LSW – 260p JOYCE WALKER (Continued) 13 39 ELIZABETH MACGOWAN 145 Exhibit 48 –  Joyce Walker – October 3, 2007 illustration Exhibit 94 – first annual statement you got for your LSW policy Exhibit 668 – letter from Christine Wilton, the lawyer Department of…

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Sheryl Moore – Walker v LSW Sheryl Moore (p4-5) – MR. FOSTER:  I will start with a couple of the Court’s ruling in regard to Ms. Moore where the Daubert motion is granted, which we think should also be applied to Mr. Sabatini because he offers the same opinions and lacks similarly foundation for them.…

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Costs of Lawsuit – Walker v LSW (p73-74) – Defense: “over a million” = emails? MR. SHAPIRO: We’d have to have someone go back, restore the email, and restart the machinery. I get split it out ratably, that is, sort of divide it out. It’s cost us in terms of review something on the order…

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Shapiro – Walker v LSW (p67) – Policy = <“Standard Operating Procedure”> MR. BROSNAHAN: We’re not complaining that they didn’t give us the illus- — the buyer’s guide. We’re complaining that they didn’t reference the policy. They say they have a policy requiring that the buyer’s guide be given to the policyholder. But they don’t…

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Judges – 201x – LC – Walker v LSW, Life Insurance Company of the Southwest THE COURT (Judge Selna): But you’re assuming that we have to have particularized expectations. If a fact would be material if disclosed, I think it gets around the necessity of what the individual expectations were. DOC 820 – Trial Transcript…

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Q: What is this Case About? – Walker v LSW (p28-29) – Mr. Shapiro (Defense Attorney): It’s a disclosure case. What did you sell us and were you honest about it? 2011 0830 – DOC 104 – Discovery Conference – Transcript for proceedings – 130p (p23) – Mr. Shapiro (Defense Attorney): And on that basis, your…

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Materiality – Walker v LSW We have alleged that failing to break out the fees is deceptive because they are material, and in addition, the partial representation that they made — or the misrepresentation that they made concerning one policy fee makes it deceptive in any event. (DOC 815, p39)

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